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Everything posted by BorderReiver1974

  1. Hello All, New to the site, but here’s some of mine. Only got the wee black bitch left as the auld one ( GREY/DH x Collie and young DHxGrey lad have gone to the big moors and fields in the sky! ATB, BR
  2. Grand looking hound! Had a DH x Grey/ Collie dog I rehomed at 3 , had for 4 year, til he passed in 2018. And another DH xGrey I sourced from a lad in Cramlington, but unfortunately he had a bone cancer that ended him before he was 2.5 y.old, last March. Both dogs more than capable on all running stuff, with time. Last young DH cross lad was slow to develop but got useful on long ears, in tandem, but at 29tts and 37kg - turning was like berthing the QE2 compared to my 22tts whippet/ grey x beddy. He proved quick enough over rough ground to take roe on a few occasions, and was awes
  3. Grand looking hound! Had a DH x Grey/ Collie dog I rehomed at 3 , had for 4 year, til he passed in 2018. And another DH xGrey I sourced from a lad in Cramlington, but unfortunately he had a bone cancer that ended him before he was 2.5 y.old, last March. Both dogs more than capable on all running stuff, with time. Last young DH cross lad was slow to develop but got useful on long ears, in tandem, but at 29tts and 37kg - turning was like berthing the QE2 compared to my 22tts whippet/ grey x beddy. He proved quick enough over rough ground to take roe on a few occasions, and was awes
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