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Luckee legs

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Everything posted by Luckee legs

  1. Completely agree, they are not soft dogs. My collie lurcher was attacked by a lab at 6 months and now he goes for them, of course because they are a common dog this can occur almost every day and people thinks he's a c...t. I've been bitten a few times by dogs but only two breeds...... border collies (both times trying to get permission ?) and labs. Borders sneaked around and got me in the calf but labs were more upfront about it.
  2. Good idea to try fish oil, also Loxicom for cats is used off label for ferrets as painkiller. Best to give in short bursts of about 3 days, I've not had problems with that. As others have said 8 is a great age for a job, you must be doing a great job
  3. You're going to have a lot of fun with her, she looks great
  4. The difference I find is more people have an opinion, Its always been hard to get permission but i don't remember anyone but landowners being bothered about hunting with dogs 40 years ago. I completely get the excitement about terriers and a lurcher, I loved seeing that interaction. Today we have so many muntjac and badgers where I live it's not practical to have a terrier, the poor b*****d would never be allowed off the lead ?
  5. Apologies if it's already been posted but FFS the Jill jab Delvosteron, is discontinued and there is no replacement. My vet suggested implants which a friend of mine in Denmark uses so I know they work but... £250 a ferret. My last vasectomised hob died 3 years although I just caught an escaped entire male so it's an option but my Jill's are almost all in season so it's a long wait before that would work out.
  6. Phenomenal, probably the best word to describe the rabbit tick burden on a ferret we picked up yesterday thanks to a friendly farmer who spotted him and called me. Thanks to fine tweezers and fipronil all should be fine
  7. A friend of my mum's in the late 1970s had a Ibizan, they lived on a smallholding and said it caught a lot of rabbits mouching on its own. Unfortunately it wasn't ferret wise so the one time we visited with my ferrets and terriers it was obvious he couldn't get involved so I didn't see it work. Nice looking dog though
  8. Always together, so I don't know how he'd be on his own
  9. Hi to all, so I've never owned a whippet before and have encountered an irritating habit that got worse in the last month of ferreting and was wondering if anyone out there has had success minimising noise during ferreting? So he runs prey silently, almost never barks at home so I was very happy going into his first winter, but.... when the ferret slot machine is not paying out fast enough for his liking he yips at the holes he senses are near the underground action. On top of that, if he runs a bolted rabbit to ground again he persistently barks at the hole while constantly looking at me
  10. That is a little odd. Most years one of mine randomly loses hair around the tail, (I believe it's a hormone imbalance) however their coat usually looks poor as it's starting to come out whereas that ferret seems to have a good coat elsewhere. Sorry I've never had a ferret temporarily lose hair that wasn't linked to the classic "bottle brush tail".
  11. Some time ago the advice on keeping these hormones changed, they don't last very long once opened even in the vets fridge. I think old hormone is one reason some jills come out of season. At the moment I don't have a vasectomised hob so I am using jabs and it's fine, last year none of 4 Jill's came back in. However I bought a whole vial at my own risk as vet said they would not do any followup unless it was either new hormone or my material in their fridge I try to wait until all are ready, but don't leave it too long as once they are full in season it's the right time. . another 6 to 8 w
  12. That is a real bummer, but it happens. Well it's happened to me anyway ?. Although not to anyone charging for it?. I have a few permissions which I share with people I don't know well or really get on with. Some ferreting but every farm around me has someone shooting. I live with it as I'm still working so can't make crazy promises on numbers or timing My experience is keep in touch, it's hard to not throw ones toys out but other opportunities may come up / It's not unusual the other guy will quit / have problems etc. And Farmers sometimes pickup new land or friends ask them for rabbitin
  13. Nice, and he looks happy and in good condition in those photos
  14. Pretty sure I read Wildlife organisations say there's evidence that RHD can infect hares in East Anglia. Current RHD strain which hammered rabbit populations in Thetford forest is a different strain to original
  15. That is really good data Barry. I had no idea this had been analysed in this way
  16. It's easy to do, just go to Hunting kind vote, I clicked sighthound The flyer is clearly focused on fox hunting, I feel a bespoke message on rabbits and dogs will be more suitable to send to my MP
  17. After the ban on hare coursing and the subsequent epidemic of driving around fields after hares attitudes changed in the East. As a teenager I learnt from a farm manager who had terriers and used to course greyhounds, these days I can't get rabbiting permission near me without ferrets only as the opening line, once secured I simply ask of it's ok to bring the dogs as they make the job easier. My experience tells me it's not about the type of dogs, the few landowners I deal with have been generally very interested and accepting. That said, I recently got my first ever whippet as I feel the need
  18. It's not over until we quit. IMO We need to start communication with sitting and potential MPs. My approach is dogs are essential for efficient rabbit control with ferrets, arguably the most natural and environmentally friendly way to protect crops from rabbit damage. Just be brief and courteous but also concerned that the Scottish legislation removes an option for low impact pest control. Let's see it from the MPs side, chances are they have no idea about ferreting and lurchers or the Scottish bill. They don't want to bring in legislation that has a negative effect unless it's unopposed
  19. Feb always a tricky time in East Anglia, farmers with shoots where keepers don't want you about ferreting with dogs suddenly interested as days lengthen and they see rabbits and notice damage as ungrazed crops get away. Not seen any young or caught lactating does near me and pregnancy state variable depending on soil type and how much sun the area gets. One farm I used to have access to on light soil and with several south facing fields would have young from now. Will keep going to end of Feb as I can only get out once or twice a week. Main issue is early regrowth of nettles, ferret
  20. Absolutely, my read of it is you could ferret with a dog as the nets arguably constitute the primary method of capture and the dogs arguably search for rabbits evading nets. But you need a solicitor / test case to confirm and surely a landowner will be nervous about giving permission as I see they could be prosecuted as well.
  21. Always good when we can give a ferret a good home and it pays off ?
  22. Absolutely agree, never thought it at the time but it's great to look back even if it's just a few pics
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