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Everything posted by Simoman

  1. Good luck Moll. My dog damaged his cruciate ligament jumping in February. Been to the vets several times who told me to give loads of rest before looking at surgery and looking back I wish I had asked for a second opinion. It took three months before I could let him run loose and at the moment (fingers crossed) he can run ok but I haven't dared jump him and he seems to kick out with his damaged leg.
  2. I've used infa-red lamps on dogs, ferrets and a variety of other animals. Think they are good, especially if you are kenneling your dog directly after working in winter.
  3. Extreme Lurcher work Runningdog addiction Dig deep, throw well back All by J. Darcy Stormy Nights and Frosty mornings by Paul Dooley Down to earth Jack Russells by Bob Clough Salclalin and DeeD are right the Harcombe/Chapman books are a great read. Subscribe to Earth Dog Running Dog Also some good DVD's available from Black Dogs stall at gamefairs, Warrener films etc
  4. Crackin programmes, just bought the first series on DVD Liked his old series Cook on the Wild side. Don't know if anybody watched it.
  5. Good work Mustelid, I also teach further education at an old agricultral college and have never hidden my opinions and introduced the hunting debate many times in the past to try and enlighten the students. With a few exceptions most students are very anti hunting along with most staff. Yet when exercising their dogs it's ok to chase rabbits as they aren't hunting???? :realmad:
  6. Simoman

    J Darcy

    A definate for any bookshelf, bought mine and couldn't put them down. Probably the best lurcher/terrier books around. Reading them makes you get of your backside, go out and work your dogs.
  7. Hope someone can answer a question about Brian Nuttall's Patterdales. I have seen references to Old Nuttall lines. Can somebody tell me the difference between old and new? My bitch is Miner/Raven, she is eight years old, is this old or new breeding?
  8. Cheers Boys, Looking forward to getting involved in the topics exchanging banter. Mick, if you haven't already seen them you ought to try and get the Leerburg DVD's, they are expensive and require a muti-region player but have excellent training ideas. Dutch Shepherds and Mali's can be proper "tools". My older GSD is from Belgian imports and is a high drive dog, looks nothing like the British bred show dogs I'm now trying him with my terrier, not sure what will happen but i'm sure we will both enoy it.
  9. Hi Everyone, Just a little about me, started off as a teenager lamping with the family collie before buying a Plummer Terrier which I used for ratting, rabbiting and bolting the odd fox from local brickyards and ironworks. Currently have an eight year old Nuttall bred bitch (Miner/Raven) and two German Shepherds from european working lines. The bitch has been used for rats, rabbits and seems to have a passion for hedgehogs!! and has only been to ground a handfull of times (once for 60 hours after joining my shepherd on a midnight fox course) as most of my time has been spent training sp
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