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Everything posted by Kalibrgun

  1. Yeah he's good if you go to the shop but not so good through other rfds.
  2. Had a friend make a silencer that vents over the original skinny shroud on the raider so not adding too much length on the end.
  3. I use Bob at city air weapons but get in touch with Rob at RTI first to ship it to Bob for me so quickly know exactly when it will be there
  4. The first priests weren't as good as they should of been. The priest 2 were good but the prophet performance has all the bits on and crazy accurate I've been contemplating the prophet compact. Had a shit year so far and no sign of it giving yet so will be treating myself soon
  5. Me too but would be the fit 2 legged type ?
  6. Order a ridgemonkey online wouldn't have a tracer given after having my ridgemonkey all this season. Not used a full charge and lamped from 7/8 at night til near on getting light
  7. Wouldn't have an fx given. Get an rti prophet performance adjustable reg 80-200 bar adjustable hammer spring and plenum as std I was getting 1040 fps with jsb 25.39 in .22 and insanely accurate out to over 100yd
  8. Tried messaging you but won't let me ?
  9. West York's but will travel if not a million miles.
  10. We're doing 40/50+ a night and struggle to give me away freezers are full for dog scran. Drop me a message if you can shift em.
  11. FFS not another rudeboy ?. At least you e a dog to start with I like her ??
  12. It's not an XL but it's a 2250b std ratty ?
  13. Had the A/T out what an absolute tw@t to get out. I had a brain wave in the end I put a small piece of pipe down the hole in the top of the action then drilled down the centre so I didn't scratch the surface up it worked a treat she's at 11.5 bang on now I'm happy with that. Tried a few mags through it today aadf good jsb not as good as aadf Hades shite. Accupel clover leaf at 30 yard
  14. Just had these through the post get some tubes sorted and I'll be happy.
  15. Im not on Facebook buddy if you could get me his number id be grateful ?
  16. I'm after some tube sets To put on a couple of milbro style Frames I'll be using 9.5 steel any about lads
  17. I've just had a play and chrony power needs to come up a couple ftlb but easy to do a nice anti tamper is out at the rear top screw. I like it it shoulders lovely and can hold her steady
  18. I get my ammo off Amazon 9.5mm steel 2000 in a box think the last lot cost around £30 delivered. If it's not too far for you to come (brighouse) i'll bag you some up for the lad ?
  19. Probably one of the only rifle I actually enjoyed shooting it was spot on mine was .177 too.
  20. got my hands on a Brummie raider 10 just for sentimental reasons but they're just not as nice as I remember ?. Shoulders nice just need the wind to piss if so I can get out again been too long.
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