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Everything posted by Kalibrgun

  1. I've a spare box and collar wondered what they're actually selling for rather than lookin on ebay where same ones are getting readvertised
  2. It's a bad do I felt for him carrying the f****r 4 fields back to motor. He was in bits yesterday been out this morning but we've got a plan in the pipeline with some pups outta my bitch
  3. She was coming into her own real clever bitch. He's still got a bitch out the same litter and a deerhound greyhound he bought in for lamping. Gave it a spin today ran really well. He's having a couple of pups outta my bitch to a dog outta the best bitch I've ever had tia.
  4. She didn't he asked her straight away he knows what car it was so hopefully be on that road around same time every day ?
  5. Dirty counts trick a woman stopped just before he got to her she carried dog to side of road when pal was there the bitch lifted her head up then died I'm sick for him she was a real good bitch in second season really stepping up a gear
  6. Bad day today for my pal with the bitch on the right. She'd just done a grueller run on on a hare was retrieving it when 2 roe got up from a dyke she set off for one across a road and was hit by a car killed stone dead the dirty c**t didn't even bother to stop
  7. That wheaton he had was an animal and half. When I was down worcestershire I went out a couple times with him and another fella no reverse at all that was around 2012/2013
  8. Hammered it down all day with wind no good for it but beats been sat at home
  9. Bit of ferreting with the lad and beddy x
  10. I'm calm just can't stand the fella
  11. Might be a sound bloke but when he wants to get involved in something that's f**k all to do with him then get clever giving it the big balls the man's a wanker. Good for him if he does a bit but still wouldn't give him time of day
  12. Be older than 7 if he's in the where eagles hare sure that was 2012/2013 book
  13. Depends if you like the man or not i cant stand the mouthy f****r
  14. Probably mouthing his drivel at nearest lamp post with any luck
  15. Yeah there was his Jerry dog in the mix too definitely not one trick ponys. She's had allsorts of gear
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