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Everything posted by fastdog

  1. can anyone tell me of a 177 that u can ajust the power up or while out in the field ie just an allenkey or driver of sorts
  2. i hope its nothing too serious... i hope shes on the mend soon.. richie woodga is a good bloke i hope all goes well
  3. all rabbit work got mine sporting days advertised countrmans weekly from time 2 time
  4. has anybody seen it what did u folks thiink of it realy was up my street the wee dog showed some real grit
  5. fastdog


    the trout skech complete set up no trout hang about for a otter never mind some eejit stagering andfalling about
  6. i no it wasnt a rabbit warren but i once bolted a real lazy mateasleep in a sleeping bag who had a fear of ferrets threw a big hob in held the top shut he bolted out the bottom quicker than any fox or rabbit
  7. i can recomend easy days some real good lamping
  8. cheap and easy 2 make a probe is 2get golf club cut of head low as pos then slight point on end so u dont stab ferret therewill be a bit plastic above pointy head remove now u have a probe can u tell i am a scot :
  9. the best dog is the one you have faith in or you wont put your best in and get your best out of regardles of size or breed :whistling:
  10. agree re riping off its bad ..DVDs i can recommend are Rogues 2 and easy days produced by sporting days
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