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Everything posted by BobDown

  1. I shoot something similar just aim and fire lol, just seem To be inconsistent with accuracy, thanks for advice am sure I’ll crack it we bit of practice
  2. Thanks it’s a real well made peace, nice to shoot just it much cop we it, What’s instinctive shooting?
  3. Not much experience but had a gypsy sling made bill stockins so am after getting in to it more. Any advice on best ammo, set up, shooting techniques
  4. Any one any photos of their old time coursing dogs , me father always kept 1st Xs and finished up we a saluki x whippet/greyhound will root some old photos out
  5. Get back ya rampton
  6. Still got the bengams about I had off you @tank34 a old boy I know took them on will take some eggs out of them stag was promising
  7. All hennies apart from the battle x hen
  8. Did any of your whippet / greyhounds go to coursing dogs or pure Salukis
  9. She is a bit queer to be W honest, bu 1 run a peace both missed good local land bitch is 7 year old past her best young dog 12 months, couple lads on here sin her run she’s better suited to bigger land but does the dance on small local fields
  10. She’s not pure saluki x saluki / whippet / greyhound
  11. Nowt fancy just my and my pals dog on a walk, The suspect saluki and the undercover saluki
  12. Everything happens for a reason. The good, the bad and the ugly. It will all come good in the end
  13. I’ve Irish fig, Pyles and oxford gingers, after a good old type ginger stag, a lot of x bred stuff about now
  14. Had a bitch bred similar way she had few others bits in , PTS earlier in year she made a good age some great memories my best pal loyal to core and worked like a demon. proper poachers dog. enjoy and best of luck
  15. Any one keeping hennies Irish / English ?
  16. I know a man not far from our way who may be able to help I’ll get back to you
  17. LED light are they, bright white as opposed to the old light force and deben I used they had a better colour beam , I’ve a little 150mm off eBay it’s bright white light not the best but I don’t do much lamping
  18. Have you still got him , man by me keeps a few pullets he may want him. I’m at Padiham
  19. Went school we a few Pashtuns, some had green / blue eyes and pale skin , alien to us as we’d never seen we them till high school
  20. BobDown


    In a world of madness appreciate the simple things , quiet as a mouse up here on me bill couple of smokes and away for a spin in the morning enjoy your weekend ans stay blessed every one
  21. It seems every one is fair game, just albos are an easy target round here, funnily enough they use the pulsar thermals for scoping them out
  22. The Thai cali stuff is prevalent round here at moment, the albos getting there grows taxed left right and centre we English lads have bin for a while
  23. Adolf wanted shut for a reason he new there nowt but trouble
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