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Everything posted by BobDown

  1. Do you know how much is in his breeding? I’ve a line bred saluki whippet bitch and a friend of mine has a young 3/4 whippet 1/4 Irish terrier dog If he makes grade I would consider putting him to her ??
  2. I there noisy fuckers some on a land by mine
  3. I’ve a put a small ginger hob over my polecat gill and a lad I know has lined polecat x silver Burnley area , if they catch I’ll let you know if you like
  4. That sounds good for you Poxon good luck for next winter
  5. There is sika by mine a round Clitheroe / Gisburn, hot as France these days though for obvious reasons 2 many jelly heads ?
  6. They won’t do because most are on pay roll, hunts are registered as limited company’s and make a few quid out of job where as us we the running dogs are seen as nowt but shite
  7. Nice variety there Cash , the red bitch similar stamp to mine , you must put some work in to run that team, atb ??
  8. Very nice is that, I’m not been using them long but they’ve always caught my eye, I see a lot use squares and tubes opposed to bands, how do you find them any different, thanks
  9. Nice pup there good luck
  10. It is riddled with them in all wood land by mine. Where do you purchase the bill stockings catapults , thanks
  11. As above is there many people using the traditional gypsy style catty’s and what’s your thoughts , post photos of examples if you like ??
  12. Ye f**k em and the media just keep ducking and diving
  13. Don’t get any like that by ours just the odd news paper report when some one comes on top so joe public thinks any one we a running dog is in organise crime gang ?
  14. Looking for a small or pencil hob to use over my Jill. Willing to give back a kit or 2 for use. (Burnley or surrounding areas)
  15. Ye I know of her my mate has a young 3/4 whippet 1/4 Irish terrier I’ll see how he gets on over next couple of years and may be an option to use over my bitch in time. Atb
  16. How’s he bred ? This my 2 the old bitch is coming up 14, The saluki x runs tight as a knot and good a round the cover, my old bitch was a demon to work keen as any, it’s a cross I would definitely like to chance
  17. I’ve an old beddy x lurcher bitch and line bred saluki / whippet type, always wondered about the cross but don’t seem to hear of the type very often I believe the Irish men like a bit of terrier blood In their coursing dogs and think it could be ideal for the land a round me ??
  18. A mate off mine has some goldys and bengalese nice to keep iv thought a bout keeping some
  19. Ye I believe so but it will be well diluted by now. You don’t hear much of the breeding going on, I thought may be a chancy breeding if all reyt
  20. Have you ever seen the product off a beddy / greyhound to a coursing bred dog? It sounds appealing to my self and would be good to see of any that have been done
  21. I use to hand strip my old bitch steady away better than clipping then
  22. Real like that bitch much similar stamp to mine, hope you produce what you aim for ??
  23. Lovely bitch there Jacob I she looks a light weight I bet she can tie them in knots,
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