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Everything posted by BobDown

  1. My good pals bitch was bred out of this cross to a saluki Bedlington type. Probably best bitch I’ve ever sin run
  2. Jubilee tower near abbey stead we my youngest son Asa
  3. Ringer for my bitch is that especially when clipped out
  4. My old pal had a parsons Russell that made 20 years lived out all it life
  5. Ye that’s true my bitch Is heavy saluki bred run small land 90% her time she put plenty to bed but missed her fair share along the way
  6. It’s like that round here for most of it, I do like the old first crosses used to be common round here
  7. More hares round them ways now. malham, grassington, skipton etc no way near the numbers of rabbits used to be but no suprise it got hammered we every man and dog? Ferret, guns birds of prey you name it along we viruses it fukt em and unless you got permissions it’s red hot always as been but gotten daft now
  8. Scramble egg and Saluki power
  9. May god give him a good bed in heaven and his legacy live on
  10. I’m 32, I remember mr ball from early days at ivy, know a few lads over Colne we dogs, that’s a town that’s not very welcoming to the ethnics
  11. I went ivy bank school in last two years there we merged we habergham and it was was mayhem. Full scale riots and police stationed at school all day. I remember one time some lads from rose grove come to school and caved some Asian lad in royally, nearly killed him it got messy and the school suffered, kids educations affected with teachers coming and going it went down hill from what once was two decent achieving schools the forced intergration didn’t work
  12. Big cover up in Rochdale we social services the works, nationwide this shit my home town of Burnley another one and we keep importing it on an industrial scale
  13. Father, mother and sister from previous litter
  14. Yes is a good pup not for me but there’s a bitch from same breeding 3 years back. Good type will be sound for right man in right hands. Free to a good honest home
  15. Madness mate had Clive rees on case not worth a toffee that lad. Keep at it and all the best for 2025
  16. I thought that’s how they will try and do em. Just had a 940 pound fine for walking local in summer we running dogs. 3rd time up in maj 3 witnesses give evidence 3rd time. (50 yard off a public footpath) done for trespass with intent to search for or hunt hares. Nonces walk out of court better off. All about eradicating our culture and identity and there won’t stop till it’s gone
  17. Dog pup free to a good home. Bull x lurcher x German shepherd accidental mating. My mrs mother owns both parents so can be seen. Steady pup 12 weeks old. Basic training bin done. Make a decent companion in right hands. Burnley based
  18. I’ve none for sale I think my pals some young figs for sale I’ll ask
  19. Ill be walking them moors this week end if ground stays frozen. -6 this morning ere
  20. Is there any one on here who makes or would make us a single ferret carry box. One that is small enough to hide under a jacket. These bow back poachers boxes aren’t ideal for concealing
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