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Everything posted by KimE

  1. I do compete with my PH Enfield 1858 .58 cal muzzleloader. The Swedish military use the british Accuracy international Arctic Warfare (psg90) as a sniper and designated marksman rifle, the whole setup of smallcaliber are going to change as they are getting old. The most probable weapon for designated marksman/light sniper rifle are the new SAKO m23 tkiv23/kiv23. SWEDISH PSG-90 - Sniper Central WWW.SNIPERCENTRAL.COM When the Swedes needed a new sniper rifle, they didn’t just adopt the Accuracy International L96A1, they took it a step fur
  2. Savage Axis are 800$ here Tikka t3x lite are 1300$ so its better to buy a rifle you want from the beginning. A stock upgrade, Tikka t3 50 mayhem blue edition. Tikka Mayhem Blue Edition. Kaliber 50 Mayhem - Nya gevär för jakt och målskytte - Vapen - Vildsvin.se VILDSVIN.SE Tikka Mayhem Blue Edition Kaliber 50 Mayhem Vill Du också ha ett vapen i kaliber 50 Mayhem så kontakta Carl Johan på info@vildsvin.se så bygger jag en åt Diig...
  3. For pistol shooting you can reach your peak at ~35y (or older) but you can stay close to the top shooters to about 70y. Biathlon shooter who also need to ski are usually at their peak at 28-33y age, the german biathlon athlete Simon Eder are 40y and still competitive.
  4. We have easy access to large areas for small game hunting here, you are welcome to come as a guest.
  5. Get the CVA scout /Bergara ba13 if you want a 45-70 break action.
  6. A workmate has told stories about his Savage 20g-22wmr he used it mostly for hunting birds with a barking dog, he did also shot a wounded bull moose at 15m at age 17. My Tikka m69 have I had sence I were 20y it was my only gun beside my 6,5mm moose rifle for my first 20y of hunting, hare,fox, birds, roedeer.
  7. Here it was popular to have combination guns like Tikkakoski/Valmet 412/512 with different barrels kombination like 12g-222r, express 2* .308w, and 2* 12g. I have an older tikka in 12*222r for the same kind of hunting you would use a NEF for.
  8. $47/430sek / 500 cci standard incl vat. Got a reminder why I havn`t bought superx 22wmr lately $82,3 for a box of 50.
  9. Positive news from No10 as Boris will stay inside the building for a week as one of his family members have tested positive to covvid 19.
  10. Then I shoot blackpowder revolver we have the same target as you on the same frame over and under each other and my point of impact with the halfround front sight sometimes makes my impact move from 10 up to 6 just changing target. Our range has the sun coming in from the side.
  11. I did a hunting trip yesterday did onlny see a blackgrouse and a hazelgrouse sunny weather -14c ha to ski slow to not be to warm. We have a low sun during the whole day sunset about 14.30.
  12. For pistol shooting a 3" change of impact can be; standing a bit different, holding the grip different, the sun are going up or down, getting tyred and jerk the trigger.
  13. In my 6,5 I used mostly factory ammo but it was Lapua Mega and Norma Oryx they are sold as components too.
  14. Today I had just skiied 400m before the first Capercaillie flew up from the ground it flew so I couldn`find it anymore. I continued farther away and a caper flew away from a pine, shit I didn"t see it befoere it flew, but I landed in the top of a pine 190m away from me, one more joined it in a different pine. I took rest with the rifle, suddenly a new caper flew in and sat in the pine the first flew from only 90m away from me a quick shange of target and I got it.
  15. Nice shooting. No I only shoot blackpower competiton at 50m with a PH/Enfield .58
  16. Yes a 140gr would work for wildboar but I should have used a 156gr bullet as its the most traditional weight here. A heavy 156gr softpoint punch through an adult moose in 50% of the shots and the rest usually stops near the skin in the opposite side. 6,5 are often used for night time boarhunting at a feeding place in Sweden I suppose its because many hunters have their best scope mounted on their deerstalking rifle and then they use a 9,3 or .30 cal for driven boar or moose with a low magnification scope.
  17. So like a newer Ruger revolver, not like my rolling block with the hammer on rest right on the primer.
  18. Never tried a softpointed 120gr only fmj/match bullets the Swedish or Finnish 155gr bullets hold together as they are intended for moose they work on roedeer too. 1-7,8 twist are standard in the 6,5.
  19. I shot mostly heavy 155gr rounds from Lapua and Norma in my 6,5*55 they shot very well but so did also the lighter bullets. I does seems like something are wrong if your rifle tear up bullets as many 6,5 like the 85-100gr bullets to. Try slow powders as Norma MRP for the heavy ones.
  20. A very nice rifle. Doesn`t it have a rebounding hammer from the factory? Are the firing pin fixed to the hammer?
  21. Yes we have some covvid restrictions here now but I excpect it to ease in the spring then the flu season are over.
  22. It has a tight action , light and crisp trigger ,the stock and fore end sits firmly against the action. The stock are hmm plastic ( its my first syntetic) it still feels nice to hold then shooting, my has thumbhole grip so i have to take out my thumb to cock it. The trigger are light and crisp, the rifle feels like a proper gun then you hold it not like the minigun it looks like. Accuracy has been mixed some bullets bad groups and other it shoots well so now I have 3-4 good loads but other just acceptable for plinking on short range. The action has a thin finish which already has some marks on
  23. I am on holiday from the 23-27 up north there most of my family lives. God Jul
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