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Everything posted by KimE

  1. Its crazy how americans can hord ammunition and Guns every 5-7 years. We have plenty of 22 ammo here but much of the US reloading components are out of stock.
  2. I like it too, best load developement group 11mm/ .45” at 50m with sierra varmint 110gr. blown up blackgrouse target at 100m.
  3. The boattail takes up so much space in the 300blk.
  4. Lapua 170gr, hornady 150 fmj, lapua 123gr fmj, Sierra varminter 110, 85 gr fmj, together with a .308w and a 22lr case.
  5. For both use of Fireworks and dynamite you need a special permission. Knifes are banned in public areas here to, stores do still sell them. Excavators are the most common way to take away beaver dams.
  6. "It comes from when English kings still ruled parts of France. Brittany, in France means "smaller", or "little" Britain," I was Norman kings who ruled England(Bretange/Britain) as Willem "the conceror" the major part of the empire was in france. The language in British royal circuts were french. The Normands were coming from parts of Norwegian areas taking Normandy and other areas in france they changed language to french within 150y. They took the British areas from the Saxons a germanic people from northern germany/denmark.
  7. "Where else in the world can foreigners vote in another countries election ?" Sweden, a resident in Sweden of forain nationality can vote in regional and local elections. If UK get a deal with EU you have to pay the about same to get similar rights to the EU market and you dont have the right to vote.
  8. Yes I know I made a bid at an auction on one ,307w 94ae a month ago but it went to high for me to be worth it. So I yes have a license with the wrong caliber for a tikka .308w rifle not ,307w the offical designation are correct 7,62*51 .
  9. Wow whats a long time. I have/have had several licenses with wrong spelling , 307W(,308W), a percussion revolver 1860 army in .44mag???, target revolver on hunting license. Here the Police in southern Sweden created a delay on firearms licenses of several months as a illegal political protest against the most law abiding citizens as licensed firearm owners are.Then they had to make one unit of several Police units so every firearm permit go through the same system and it takes 5-6weeks (In the 1990 it took about a week here in the north to get a licese).
  10. Its lifelong but adults develope strategies to function better in groups. Many get tired of beeing exposed to a lot of noice/impressions in large groups so they may have to avoid it or take a nap after. A former workmate works at a sawmill with monotone tasks which fits him as he needs the same structure every day, then something unexpected happens he get very upspeeded. Many finds work in their area of a specialised interest.
  11. My firearm license for the Bergara 300aac blk arrived today, the police needed 3 weeks to process it I expected 5-6 weeks. I also picked up a cheep scope and rings for it. The outdoors store were out of ammo for it they had sold many rifles in what caliber.
  12. A few landscape pictures of Forrest and bogs. My Anschutz on a frosen lake.
  13. Lead are stopped using for Wheel weights. Bergara also makes barrels for Thompson center rifles/pistols.
  14. I an sorry, my english are to bad to express my feelings.
  15. In Sweden you need a license for each silencer costs 35$. The silencer need to have an individual Number. They cost 300-400$.
  16. You need a special permit to trap beaver here. Its easyer to get a permission to use dynamite.
  17. Thanks. I probably cant find what brand of paint here. I dont know how easy it is to find scrap lead, i could try a scrap metal dealer.
  18. Yes that would work for me but I have just put an order on half jacket speer plinking bullets. I have also found 30 mauser pistol bullets online.
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