50c each are expensive for Russian made steel case ammo. Russian salorys are at ~700$ / month. Cheap US made ammo costs ~0,8 223r, ~1,8$ 308w here in Sweden.
Im in a painfully long waiting now for a license for a Parker Hale model Enfield 1858 muzzleloader cal .577 and a 1872 made Husqvarna 12,17*44r/.499 with a competition aparture sight.
I have got a leadpot and molds for casting for them both. Were is Sausage dog he is missed now?
For practical competition in UK they have made ar15s with manual release so the action selfejects but you have to hit a lever to close it again. In sweden you are allowed to compete in IPCS with semiauto ar15/AK variants, we also has a Swedish competition for full auto CG45 smg but then you must have been military trained with them (during the time cg45 were in active use 1945-1997) and live close to a club that use them.
I were out with Lars again we saw a beaver close to the shore, Lars tried to stalk closer but it was a lot of beaver cut trees so the beaver slided away into the lake.
With the now lifted corona virus restrictions against the Falklands as opposed to within UK, Falklands seems to not be counted as a part of (Great) Britain.
The 17 centerfire are not popular in Sweden because you are only allowed to shoot the same game as in .22lr. I have been thinking about a .221fb as it has a sweet spot in the Swedish firearms law as the fastest .22 for class3 game(up to fox). I have my 300blk also based on the fireball, cheap bullets and only 15gr of powder.
Did a web browsing on my stores new shotguns a Remington pump at $600/5900sek to a Benelli sporting for $4500/45000sek, a new 12g bock similar to mine $1000/10000sek.
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Its probably not the sabot getting stuck in the muzzlebreak what caused the pressure spike it may bee a stuck piece of the sabot close to the chamber or something wrong with the powder in the cartridge. It seems dangerous to have a rifle made for 55000psi what explodes in 80000+psi, some modern cartridges are factory made close to that pressure.
Ok now I understand it. .223 are suitable for the smaller species of deer. Is the .204 (strangely the 204 are not allowed for fox or hare in Sweden, but the 222r are legal for roedeer and Lynx) the biggest caliber you have?
So you could own a .223 but not a .204 buildt on the same case? So if you decide to shoot deer you must do it before you can have the proper rifle for it?
British gun rules are so interesting waiting for five years to get a centerfire. In Sweden you are assumed to have a need of four rifles/shotguns the same day you take your hunting examina.
I went to visit my mother and brothers during the easter. We usually spend time outdoors with eating by the fire, driving snowmobiles, fishing, and skiing.