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Everything posted by SportingWhippetdog

  1. Hi everyone, ive got a border bitch puppy who's 6months next week. Wanted to ask if there was any preference as to age to entering a dog to rats. She's very game but id hate for her to be put off by a bite at a young age. I had caught a rat in a cage trap in the barn and got the whippet to sort it out like normal, took the border along. She was wining and snapping at the caged rat. And when the whippet was shaking it she latched hold, took it from his jaws and aggresively crunched the pretty much dead rat as she pranced round proudly. What do you think, she ready for a live one?
  2. Update, he's caught 5 since and retrieved them all. Done it by me walking away, peeping the whistle and he runs over with a perfect delivery, so very happy with him. Thanks for the advise everyone ?
  3. Basically, just wanted to ask for a few tips on locating fox earths Thanks
  4. Yeah, I guess ive forgotten what terrier pups are like, thanks
  5. Ayup , got a working border bitch puppy who's 23 weeks old now. Great bitch, very game with a lot of go in her. Just wondered how you boys handle recall, cos she's not sharp on it. Thanks
  6. Got a 3 yr old whippet dog that I've started lamping properly with recently. We've a couple now on the lamp, which is ok going around us for 30 minutes work in a couple of fields behind us. But when he does catch them he tends to shake and kill and won't retrieve. I run up to him and have to pry his jaws open to get the half dead thing out his mouth. He a good retriever with dummies. I just want to know if this is a sign of inexperience or if it's not normal, thanks.
  7. Hello everyone, I plan on purchasing my first bird this year, being a Harris hawk, and plan on hunting it over game crops for pheasants on open hedgerow type terrain. just asking what would be the most effective way in which to hunt them and what the most realistic way of catching pheasants would be over a cover crop. also whether a female or male is better for the job or if it matters. Thanks
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