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Everything posted by Hullman

  1. To right all they seem to do in this day and age. Xbox or phones ?
  2. 5th night out on the lamp and 5th rabbit so proper buzzing first time the lad has wanted to come aswell since he was about 6 so proper glad he wanted to come out. Hes allready asking when we can next go out so think he has the big
  3. Never a truer statment I've had dogs out of "top" lines that have jacked and dogs out of "nob hounds" that have been in the top 5% of dogs I've owned.
  4. At six months I wouldn't worry she should be a long way from seeing any fox. Just get her around as many dogs as possible and see how she gets on. I'm guessing your from outside the uk or be using your dog outside the uk
  5. My current bitch shes about 11 months now. Dont think shes pure bull x tho with them ears Haha. Turning into a nice dog tho very strong and getting some good speed the fitter she gets. Shes had 4 rabbits so far in 8 times of taking her out. Shes been very easy to train.
  6. Sure do. In my opinion there is no better all round dog. Also very easy to train and extremely loyal.
  7. They were all good dogs. There all well gone now tho RIP
  8. I used to run this mix alot back in the day had some very good dogs that were masters at what ever I put them too. Used to take all game would also point and mark used then day for squirrels used to point at trees they were in also good ferreting dogs used to mark Warren's. Then would bring rabbits back like to hand. But then would take larger stuff on the lamp no problem. Get them fit and they dont miss much I'll have a dig about and find some pics of my old dogs.
  9. Nice shooting. Nice setup too.
  10. Looks like I'm going back to the first one I made in 2010. Shoots nice but handle is a bit long. Also made of conifer and Patton burnt on with magnifying glass. Just need to stick some bands on it. Then get used to shooting it again hahaha
  11. Oh and was a nice fork dog has just chewed it. Fuc***g pups.
  12. Oh I make a dint in them prob had 30/40 this year so for. The few I see are getting very wise now tho they have probably been shot at or chassed up a tree so soon as they seen me there on there toes and head stright to the biggest tree and I'm not that good of a shot to take them out at top of those hahaha
  13. Out and about now but only seen one and it got a blast on and lost it up a huge tree
  14. Went out with the catty this morn using double gold bands on a natural conifer fork with 9.5 steel. One was head shot just below the eye and other was chest shot both shot at about 10m.
  15. He all. Chris here. Was big time into lurchers about 6 years ago and just getting back into it pup (bullx) is just starting to run the lamp and picked up a few rabbits. Recall is very good so well happy. Wouldn't mind running her with an other dog but no longer know anyone with a lurcher so if anyone fancy a shine drop me a pm.
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