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Little Nipper

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About Little Nipper

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  1. He's a bit too cocky if you ask me, I don't like the look of his face
  2. No experience with them mate but they do look a lot of fun. If I was to shoot one of them in my back garden the neighbours would definitely be on the phone to the police. I cant even breast a pigeon without them looking at me like I'm hannibal lecter. But if I was you I'd probably look at making my own can't be too hard and you will get more enjoyment out of it.
  3. Cracking shot that mate, how far was you and what ammo did you use
  4. Cheers fellas ? I'm gunna pick some up through the week see how it is
  5. Any particular reason why not other than longevity of the bands? Also what tubes you shooting, I've only tried the black ones from simple shot I got with my torque, and the green gzk tubes
  6. I recently tried out shooting tubes for the first time I've always shot flats, have to say they're really not bad I've been using looped 2040s for 9.5mm steel. I like how quick they are to attach to my torque catapult also they're not going to slip like flats if they get wet. I'm not converting I still prefer my flats but tubes do have their advantages especially in the wet. My question is though are you suppose to max out tubes like you would with flats? The tubes seem to go flat when maxxed out is that what is needed or would that hinder them in any way?
  7. Alright lads new member from Cheshire. Good luck to everyone in the new year.
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