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Everything posted by whitewarrior

  1. im out 6 days a week working terriers i will try and get more pics for you but i dont take the camera very often now i know how to put the pics up i will try and take more often
  2. its took me ages but if you store ur pics in photobucket.com then transfer them from there thats what i did but there are probably easier ways
  3. he dosent look to pretty at the moment had a dig with him on friday.he just hasnt worked out how to bay yet and takes a fair bit of stick,he is going back to wales at the end of the season[newport area] may be at stud serious dog i have dug 48 with him and he has never let me down
  4. choclate dog is on loan 4 a season and is pickaxe bred i think and the other black dogs are mason/harcombe bred and the jr is a chapman dog
  5. the wife has just shown me how to put pics on
  6. Out today, with young bitch, 11 months old, first fox
  7. just wondering if anyone can help me? im going to my parents house in normandy over xmas and want to go out with a digging club or hounds on boxing day does anybody know any web sites or hunt directorys i could look at to find out yours in sport whitewarrior
  8. i use the old badger traps that defra use email me ur number and some may come ur way
  9. welcome billy boy get ur camera out lamping and start getting some pic of ur rabbit catching dog on line
  10. u can come digging with me any time rob i go digging in wurzel country quite a bit and have some good digging buddys down and around ur apple scrumping area im only 35 miles up the road from you in wiltshire
  11. very good pics what a beautiful place to have ur sport
  12. Well done dillon yeah he did mean he used the torch lite to shoot matey, i do agree with the rest of u about putting pics on but who the f**k wants to carry a camera every where they go with there terriers + its dame good evidence for the old bill if u were stopped and im f****d if u would put pics of that dig on here if u know what i mean! i didnt go with foxdropper but i helped put his bitch right after so less of the bullshit boys and bring ur dogs down and have a dig cus we have some places round us that will break ur little dogs hearts :realmad:
  13. i didnt get a video but i will have to get my camera sorted out and get some pics on here. i have rung about tommorow nite and thats fine there r no cattle out so it will be ok 4 ur 222. just let me kill a few with the dog. that pup that we got last nite is the muts nut if he goes well he will be a nice dog to put over meg when u come down tommorow we will have a look at him as billys going out on the town txt u later with a pic of tonites kill hopfully. c u later slim
  14. hell fire slim u know some big words dont u worry about the b--u-o-t hunt between us we have half there country in our permission and it was a hunting land owner today who told me to have the fox out of a drain on his land as the huntsman was more intrested in keeping the mounted followers galloping than true pest control and providing a service to farmers
  15. the most we have ever had was 361 rats at the local agricultral collage on there pig unit feed store. we have had some 200+ days on local poultry farms since but heavy poisioning doesnt help our cause.
  16. hi there only just on line so dont know how to put photo's on yet but the wife thinks she can so im sure it wont be long [bANNED TEXT] i can show some pics of my dogs at work or after. i have a bull/greyhound bitch what takes all game and is very game herself and have a 5 month old strong bull pup who is earning his keep already on rats and i also have a patterdale bitch who has nearly retired at 4 but she is only used on shallow digs now when the need arises. im based in wiltshire land of the plenty just ask turk with his hard headed black dog. :search:
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