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Everything posted by jackthelad

  1. Suppose not but it can’t be good dripping out an exhaust over crops but aye your probably right some the stuff they spray
  2. An all em tractors running add blue dribbling that shit all over
  3. My pal had a wee 22 inch thing like that would rattle into anything got killed in the road chasing a fox
  4. Aye Skye was braw last night
  5. Well said mate they deserve everything coming there way feck them
  6. Watched that late last night that videos going to get a lot of lads in trouble think he’s a bit of an arsehole for posting it
  7. Any one saw the you tube video Tommy Robinson about the two school kids one white English the other kid Syrian said the white kid water boarded the other laddie….. that’s scary how much protection these people are given schools closed teachers lost there jobs families lost there homes folk paid to keep there mouths shut tv presenters politicians all speaking out on behalf of one kid while the others in hiding with his family….. utter madness
  8. Asdas finest court weddings funerals an coursin…. Or Saturday night sliders
  9. Can’t complain blacky aul stick …..
  10. Shame that she’s a cracking looking bitch dc am in same boat once these two big lurchers are in the ground get myself a wee bull whippet or patterdale whippet to knock about with
  11. Bit cold just now gives a shout middle of July when weather cheers up a bit
  12. Hey you wouldn’t want them swinging if yer nose
  13. I was in barlinnie a few year ago the guy next door to me had abscesses all over his legs an I shit you not you could smell it on the first flat…. He was on the top flat absolutely reeking it was
  14. Haha remember we got a nice wee turn I went into the town a got em boots in black with the matching trackie haha…..
  15. Young lad worked with us drowned in a swimming pool over there few year ago funny thing about it the pool wasn’t at his hotel
  16. Same here dc Iam 50 in august been at this game since a teenager ….. just 2 lurchers there now and once the big black dog goes that’s me il keep a wee knockabout lurcher….. when you think what our mrs have put up with over the years Iam surprised any us got a woman haha
  17. My mate had a bull x big Arthur killed foxes then would try hump the carcass ….. strange big dog
  18. Same here my neighbours got a shed summer house building company Iv been burning off cuts of pallets and tounge and groove and any natural wood peat or coal for years good thing about the scrap wood he cuts it all to fit the stove for me drops bags at my gate few times a week and surprisingly that tounge and groove kicks out a fair heat havent a clue what kinda wood it is tho
  19. Not in here much now but that’s sad to hear always admired that bitch and a few of the dogs of the guy that bred her…. Always thought my big black dog would have produced some big boned edible dogs over your bitch dc….. all the best mate
  20. Same here mate I do alot of estate work rubble walls dry stone walls just landed in a site start of last week never asked for any cards not all sites up here ask for them
  21. You want bring them up stretch there legs gives a shout
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