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Michael elliott

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Everything posted by Michael elliott

  1. I have 2 hobs and one jill I have been putting each hob in the jill cage for 2 nights each i haven't heard anything or seen any activity I have put the 2 hobs back in same cage and they are grabbing each other's necks what i was expecting them to do to the jill they are all in season any help would be great
  2. Can any one recommend a bipod for the hw10
  3. I have just bought hw110 laminated I got given accupell I getting good groupings gonna try some other brands
  4. I have holes in side of box might be the clothes thank lads
  5. We're my ferrets sleep there is condensation building up on roof of box and it been like that for last week is it happening to any one else I have some old clothes in the box and bit of strew
  6. We're my ferrets sleep there is condensation building up on roof of box and it been like that for last week is it happening to any one else I have some old clothes in the box and bit of strew
  7. Might of been what's the best area to go see farmers for permission for ferreting around our area .
  8. Same mate stockton moved to thornaby think i talked to you at billingham slash hartlepool shooting range
  9. Will do thanks mate were about in teeside u from
  10. Or good to hear of a t eesider what hunting do you do mate
  11. What meat are you feeding your ferrets on throughout the year
  12. Times have changed now my uncle had chickens and pigs in his garden it hard to do anything now the government are winning with there proceed meat and the so called fresh meat what's been injected with things we don't no
  13. I don't mat but what do you think of the be a ultra in have one only signal shot
  14. Well I suppose I could use them and learn new skills how much did you get for your furs back in the 80s
  15. Have good neighbours but rent of council I am in a built up area big back gardan just some one told me I couldn't do it and it wasn't the neighbours lol ?
  16. Can you keep chickens in your gardan on a housing estate
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