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Everything posted by TOM TERRIER

  1. Sounds cheap, is it a trials bike?
  2. Smart that. I entered my young fawn bull x dog,didnt do any good though! Have you still got Golly?
  3. For me its the drive they have... Tom
  4. Its a bugger is Barbed wire,Get her to a vet, Or get a skin stapeler of ebay, They work realy well.
  5. Chirk show is on the same day, and in my opinion its a much better day out if youre into your working dogs. Tom
  6. Powerful looking animal Busher, He does look like ginner. did you breed him? Tom
  7. Buy a known make Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki and you wont go far wrong, dont touch that imported shite!
  8. why do u think the w/c dogs cant do it single.. uv deffo not seen the propper d.v.d what a laugh.. has the penny not droped? these dogs where in pairs' cause thay had to shift big numbers... therse dogs on the outher one that.. shall we say r just abit ok?? these dogs are breed out ov long lines ov expirienced charlie dogs'' breed for one sole purpose to do one job'' single handed'' some ov these dogs r breed off may be'' the best single handed dog iv seen'' i did a write up about this dog on..h/u.. what i will say is this' get out there get it done''' n when uv took the tally these dogs have
  9. Reece bred dogs certenly dont need doubling up. Tom
  10. Gamefair was prittey crap, Show wasnt bad. My bitch won the Bull Cross Class overall, so im chuffed!
  11. Cant get picture up sorry boys.
  12. GINNER.bmpThis was my dog out of Reeces stuff - Ginner. He was Brin x Sally, He was a hell of a dog, Lost him just after christmas, He will take some replacing!GINNER.bmp
  13. Not a bad pick up, they are only two wheel drive though, but there realy good on fuel. They do seam to suffer quite bad from rust though. Tom
  14. Hes still very young, make sure you dont sicken him on rabbits (by missing them), He will start yapping when chasing stuff and that will be hard to cure. Tom
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