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About Clancy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Stand behind and hold him up under the front legs and trim while only the back legs are on the ground. For the back legs stand over the dog, hold its waist with your knees and lift one or both legs up to trim. I've had a few dogs that hated the trimming but this seemed to work for me. Best of luck.
  2. Nice shots. Really like the second one of the dog. Looks in great shape.
  3. http://news.aol.com/article/jogger-runs-fo...abid-fox/239074 Talk about a crazy fox. I don't know what to say about the lady. She's pretty hardcore. link should work again
  4. Introduce them on neutral ground. Somewhere like a park. Not at your house. That way your cocker doesn't get territorial on the first meet.
  5. Nice job! Dogs look nice as well.
  6. Are you able to ship to the US? Books sounds very interesting.
  7. I know a few who are. I had one a while back I got from a guy over here. He was good at his job.
  8. He looks a good "fell terrier" to me. Real nice looking Dev.
  9. Good looking dog and pup. I hope they work well for you. Which lines are they?
  10. Diatemacious Earth (Dirt) works really well to get the mites off of them as the poults will use it as a dust bath. It slices the little suckers to bits. This is nice if you need a more natural approach for continued mite control.
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