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Everything posted by REDWILLIAM1821

  1. my 2 jills have both just given birth, the first one yesterday evening, counted at least 8 kits, the second one early this morning when I checked she had had 4 kits but when I get home from work I am sure she will have had more as she was a lot bigger than the first jill. Will let everyone now how many tomorrow.
  2. No never tried porkpie, always used peanut butter, but will give it a go. GOOD HUNTING
  3. Thnking of getting the lighning xl tactical synthetic stock
  4. Just thought I would ask the question BSA LIGHTINING or HW80, I cant make my mind up, any ideas.
  5. HI I built my smoker using an old petrol strimmer, just welded on a piece of pipe onto the exhaust and attached about three feet of heavy duty tube, works a treat good luck.If you need any more help PM me.
  6. Thanks scent, I am hoping to get some permision at some stables soon, but they are very close to some houses, so fingers crossed.
  7. Thanks mate he`s just coming up to 6months old now
  8. Hi everybody a couple of pictures of my 2 dogs, just wondering if anybody in the south Wales, would let me tag along on some ratting outings, older dog is a good ratter young dog just starting out. I have a smoker and am willing to dig, dont mind traveling up to about one and a halve hours. Any help grately excepted.
  9. My JRT first kill was a big doe rat about 17"" long, smashed it to pieces
  10. He will be 5 months old tomorrow, just starting to show him some rats caught in live traps
  11. My mate bred him , hes jrt/lakeland cross,both parents good workers, dam is a good bushing, rattingdog and his sire is a good fox dog, so fingers crossed he will turn out OK.
  12. Just thought you might like to see some pictures of my dogs.
  13. Heres my 3yr old jack russel with my pup as well
  14. Nice pup mate,just thought you mite like to see my 5month old pup.
  15. Looks like you had a really good day, nice looking dogs, out tomorrow to look for some ratting permission, Hereford, Kington area. Hopefully get something, will try to get some pics of my dogs up soon.
  16. Come on guys ( and girls) give aman a break any body out there willing to give 2 genuine men a leg up, willing to drive ,dig and I have a smoker, any thing would be great, south wales, gloucester hereford any where within reason, please.
  17. Cracking looking dogs, looks like you had a good day day
  18. Hello everybody, I was wondering if anbody could help me and a friend out, we were wondering if there was anybody in the South Wales area that would be willing for us to tag along on some ratting outings, I have one JRT dog who is 3 years old and a 4month JRT pup.Have been killing rats locally but fancy trying something a bit more organised, we would really appreciate any help.
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