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Danny cooper1

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About Danny cooper1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Thank ill try she is slowly coming to her name now and when i play retrieve she will only do it about 3 to 4 times
  2. What should i do about my wifes Jack Russell he retrieves and walks well of lead but he dont have a kill in him lol
  3. And she do not like the van she is sick everytime we go out
  4. Thanks for your advice but she still will not come to her name and she is not very playful ?
  5. She is from working stock she is Collie whippet greyhound saluki mum dad deerhound collie greyhound But she is so timid I take her out on the lead but she doesn't want to do anything she just sits there and shakes any advice i only got her on Thursday
  6. She is from working stock she is Collie whippet greyhound saluki mum dad deerhound collie greyhound But she is so timid I take her out on the lead but she doesn't want to do anything she just sits there and shakes any advice i only got her on Thursday
  7. Thanks to everyone who has commented if i get any problems ill ask you guys and yes she is inside
  8. Thanks ive never had lurchers before ive only had her 2 days how long should it take for her to respond to name
  9. What age should i start training my 9 week old pup
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