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Everything posted by doga

  1. turky this time as we dont usualy have it,home cured bacon with butter under the breast skin of the bird no drying out that way with a cumberland sausage and stuffing filler the usual roast tats roast carrot and parsnips pigs in blanket for me lad carnt forget them lol and its got to be sprouts and probably brockly.mains,starter no chance carnt eat it all,pudding cristmas no doubt.and plenty of hunting over the holiday to get the pounds off ay fatty.
  2. mad as it seems i catch um feed stock we um and other folk but calnt eat um smelly feckers :sick:
  3. had a pajero me self a swine to get insured due to them being inports good truck when going properly dont go auto,woza is right though you trust me that mans knows shit loads when it comes to trucks mush just no good with women and dogs only joking woza ayup mush.
  4. not sure if earth and hounds has it pm him tell him i asked for you he has a few a bout different ones .
  5. your right mate at least we where out havin a laugh havin a laugh more fun extractin finger nails,any way were off to secret club next week so should get some easy berrys to be worked,years of exsperiance rolled up and packed in to some pritty small minds lads but were still at it not like them who live of others reputations ay earthy we know who they are fine tuned we are ay we kid stealth hunter our dogs and crack shots we are and i do fart a bit :stinker: fart is that what you call it???????? wonder you day shite ya self mush ar yo got us all that ground for us to hunt on well done
  6. your right mate at least we where out havin a laugh havin a laugh more fun extractin finger nails,any way were off to secret club next week so should get some easy berrys to be worked,years of exsperiance rolled up and packed in to some pritty small minds lads but were still at it not like them who live of others reputations ay earthy we know who they are fine tuned we are ay we kid stealth hunter our dogs and crack shots we are and i do fart a bit :stinker:
  7. doga

    A Jog Cart

    were are based,try derby horse sales every other saterday and any other horse sale.
  8. feck it buster all the nutters fighting over exspnsive dogs and guns the last couple of months and now the price is right no one wants um show how saft they am good luck! some one will see a bargain.
  9. mother 1/2 cross bull greyhound sire sooty sam line whippet mate she is a cracker mate can find a wabbit thats rich comin from a bloke we pastry for lips they look like a pair of crisps shorty,more nose on a budgey lol i can see ya lardy.
  10. you got the dirt out yer hair yet dark down them holes ay it kid,have ya put a blanket on that dog man i could hear its bones bangin man hehehehe couldnt hear yours though fat little swine tell yer wat he can eat a sandwich
  11. that is my philosophy wilf and if folk wernt so greedy and untruthful you would not get so much rubbish about rubbish sold for good money.ive been after breeding my own little strain for years and nearly had it once but they could not stand physicly to the job hence no more,now im back at first base we a handy bitch that has to go through the riggers of work if she makes it ille breed from her and that should be every ones philosophy.that should answer wich one i am.
  12. doga


    were you live huffski,ive got a few dolla. :kiss: :tongue4:
  13. yep ille let her go very cheap if any ones interested very cheap.
  14. them mole skins where for midgets mate a fat cnut like you would not have got there leg in :sick: ferk ya new ground i will go on my own cnts are usful fatty :aikido: them legs are full of musle all man see,feck it ille get some mole skin breeks realy look the part and a deerstalker and some le chamues youle have to turn yours up bollocks.back to the top ay ya.
  15. Well if your starting point is having a constitution that bars the so called heir to the throne of England....sorry Britain from marrying a Catholic or the Prime minister from being a Catholic what chance do you have?......Maybe the election of America's first black president will have a far reaching effect on people's attitudes and values but somehow I doubt it. yes we do have that but how does that defer from what has been already stated,true or false no other statment needed.are you saying that because of a constitution from many many years we as english,british are treated as second r
  16. the biggest racists in this country are the black and asian comunity,they can be nice when it suits,let me ask you this people if you wanted to marrie mohameds dauter would he let you would he f*ck thats not religeon thats race so who is the racist now,how much stick does a black girl get from her own community when married to a white man but its ok for a black man.and its true to say also that there are places you cannot go as an english man in ireland scotland and wales but any creed colour and race are eccepted any were here true or not.
  17. feckin hell man you pair should get a room,you let me mole skins go then earthy,thats ok i cant take you on me new ground we out me mole skins on them will never go we your flipflops woza,any way ive got ferret skin ones after the tw*t give me a morlin. .
  18. cheers lads i would keep the bitch if i had the use for her,yes earthy think she has a fair bit of his gear running through her.
  19. as above nice solid little bitch 5 1/2 month old lives in at moment very freindly bought up so far round kids price £140. ono location:wolverhampton m6 jnt 10. no pappers hence price.
  20. im a prick am i,well i dare say a prick would be useful to a cu*t like you.
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