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Everything posted by doga

  1. ive run for big hard biting shepards but found bulldogs to bite a lot harder thats exsperience not hipe,ive also found that the bull dog takes punishment easier then sheperds,im not biassed to sheperds my family have kept good quality working dogs,the proof is in the pudding for me.
  2. done almost to the letter me self last week but no suite and the nest was a hornets nest,the bluddy thing was in a bush by a wooden fence,stuck a stick in thinners and drawnded the nest in it and then lit the stick and ran like feck them big swines like feckin kestrals flyin all over,when the nest droped i opend it up and it came away in layers full of big white grubs.
  3. i think like any thing youve got to get your dog in good nick befor you let it see to much but better to ease the dog in than throw,match fitnes for footballers means playing games be they half games to start and boxers dont get fighting fit with out the intial sparing and so on.get um as hard and fit as you can to start then eas um in.
  4. ive seen a few adds in the past for piccardy shepard crosses ive no exsperience my self with them not even seen one in the flesh,have any of you guys had exsperience either first hand or other wise,it would be nice to hear the obviouse good and bad points. cheers
  5. weard to see a dog want to kill hares but not rabbits after all theres plenty lurchers sooner chase a bunny than puss obviously easier,only one thing that it could be in my mind dispite what youve already said the dogs having to much failier with fast disapearing rabbits (rest) bring back october or better still end off early november.
  6. Though wippets are crackin little dogs imho i think you are exspecting a bit too much.The reason i say this is they have got the heart but not the physical make up like a well crossbred lurcher has but thats onley my opinion.atvb and its valid mate they are crackin sport but lack that bit of wind and durability,and thats only my opinion as well
  7. does a dog have it naturaly after weaning no,so why give it till a year or there on after,im not saying dont but the lad asked is it good for them well no after weaning no.
  8. not realy dogs metobalism are built not to receive it once weaned so it doesnt realy do um good.
  9. how do you find the dog works on different quary never seen a genuine first cross,do the two breeds ad well to end cross.
  10. 3/4 nights a week is a lot of work for any dog but for somthing like a whippet and pushing for 20+ rabbits each outing would be pushing it from my exsperience with them,may be im wrong.
  11. when conditions are right mush plenty of time in front of you,welle have to go for a mooch out whats you fancy.
  12. dont know keep collies me self one wich is very sharp but night in night out bull blood i think do better collies think to much thus about whats coming and try to hard to work an advantage good bulls get in no matter were it has to take.
  13. its got a hughe chance going that way as i say silly kids with a dog they definatly dont deserve,no dout there are genuine bull lurchers and ive seen clever in the right hands just not the majority,out and out hard pests dont think youle get better than bull as ive said many times befor for me bull blood is king on hard game but for traditional work a mouchers dog would stick with traditional lurchers.
  14. well for me the reason that bull cross running dogs are so popular is that a lot of young silly boys just want out and out killing machines wich trueth be told there not all,a lot of responsible folk have them for good reason but too many silly boys are into them as well thus the huge popularity.now with a traditional type be that what it may for me any way is something thats clever vercitile loyal but harty and a dog to take most all at least all i can eat, good retreavers face cover and water do all manner of day and night work something that thinks well for its self.that why traditional cro
  15. if you have a closer look at the rabbit its one a ferret has had a chew on and slipped a net if it was a fit rabbit it would have been long gone, sound advice anyway, jimb i seen you were asking advice on the type of lurchers and the cost of one i take it you have a lurcher now can i see some pics of it i bet its better than than the 90% crap bull crosses on here, they look nice pups them lads and first cross as well,at least you got what you want.
  16. so you guys recon any dog with 1/4 bull will do the hole show but only the best of 1/4 bred collie can do it. what do you know.
  17. ive taken it to another level instead of cleaning his up he cleans mine.
  18. you mite want to read up on a barf site plenty of free info just to get it right as its inportant to feed correctly to stop and growth problems.chicken wings are the best to feed with the bone hole as they are the softest being non wait bearing bones but if you get carcases minced hole that helps with initial feeding as to build up stomach acids and has the obviouse benefits with proteins minerals vitamins fats and calcium,plenty of meat still on a chickens back and fatty skin.feeding vegies i find is good with green minced tripe after all its natural thats how carnivors get it in the wild by
  19. well my mate full of shlt but when i have to part with it out doors hes usualy their to give a helping hand,he says it doesnt get under his finger nails at all as he bites them a lot CHEERS EARTHY YOUR A PAL.
  20. have a fight ill be the ref judge what ever what you recon lard arse can you go a round blobby.do worry earthy you soon loose your weight in the winter chasin them dogs about lol .
  21. wwwwwwwwwwwhhhi wwwwhhhiip day no that lol,any way what ever floats ya boat,nice to see that new ground earthy may be something with extra meat on um their mate .
  22. if folks aint careful here there could be some very sore dogs,septembers still very hard under foot.best of luck to all hope my luck changes for next year.
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