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About matt241075

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    north east cleveland

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  1. Hi you can contact me on 07788973052 if your still interested in mixer thanks

  2. Hi moe you can contact me on 07788973052 if your still interested in mincer thanks

  3. Hi ain’t been on here for ages but thought I’d pop in. Been fishing the Leeds book for a good few year now and I’m pleased to say asenby is a very clean stretch now had some good fish out pike barbel chub and roach. I tend to fish it after work as not to far away but do a lot of barbel work on the Trent nowadays.what about you?
  4. Rivers close March 15th to 16th June ..??

    • For Sale
    • Used

    Hello for sale my DRC mincer Ive used this for years for rabbit carcasses to be used for dog food I’m selling all my gear mostly ferreting gear so keep an eye out this mincer is a beast and works perfectly its collection only from Billingham or could deliver within a 5 mile radius. Sorry cant post as it weighs a ton. £200 no offers thanks


  6. View Advert DRC industrial mincer 240v Hello for sale my DRC mincer Ive used this for years for rabbit carcasses to be used for dog food I’m selling all my gear mostly ferreting gear so keep an eye out this mincer is a beast and works perfectly its collection only from Billingham or could deliver within a 5 mile radius. Sorry cant post as it weighs a ton. £200 no offers thanks Advertiser matt241075 Date 23/01/22
  7. Its a F1 carp there a hybrid between a common and a crucian Nice fish
  8. Hi Im fishing at asenby tomorrow for pike on the swale its a new water for me as I've only just joined leeds and bradford AC I've been fishing crake hill which has been ok and had a few fish out. Anyone know off the decent pegs on this stretch matt
  9. there for the mk1 8ft collar there isnt a 16ft mk1 only 15ft so unless you meen the mk3m or the mk3 im unsure.
  10. hi there which cap do you need if its the 15ft micro i have some.not sure about 16ft cap
  11. hi there the best way to calm her down is to let her release her energy by running around if you think its not controlled enough then try on a bike with dog on a lead. If you want some good advise on training then i would suggest a dvd by dave sleight Purdys Progress im sure some lads on here will have it there are two in the collection not sure what the other is called now good luck matt
  12. hi shab ive seen and used quite a few long nets and in my opinion the master hunter nets win hands down,there not the cheapest about but you get what you pay for i guess. this is the link to his site. http://masterhunter.co.uk/ matt
  13. hi i have an 04 nissan primastar there are the same as the vivaro & traffic. If i was you id stay clear of all these vans there are money pits, i have never had a van with so many problems. i have 3 mates who all have these vans and we all have the same problems,it cost one of them £2000 for a new engine on a 08.. Do yourself a favour and stay clear of them....... matt
  14. cover the water bottles with a few old socks to stop them freezeing..........
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