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Everything posted by outshooting

  1. Can you sell the wife or partner Molly good idea will be interesting to see what happens
  2. that is what we are doing no fecker will listen to the public about what we want its all about oil & kepping the feckin shit stinkin fecks happy OUR COUNTRY DONT CHANGE IT !!!! Another is the fat b*****d that was on TV last night 40 feckin stone cant do shit, no job just eats, Yet he spends £374 every two weeks on food just for him & drives a new mercedes WHO PAYS FOR THAT LOT ? & there are many more like him who get everything for feck all aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww makes me so mad when people are busting there ass of to earn a living & get taxed, taxed, taxed
  3. welcome to the site reddog hope you enjoy, i am also from the southwest
  4. As we are on the subject of talking bullshit, i havent seen Little lloyd on here for a while
  5. great site good luck mate i hope it all goes well for you and your family
  6. If you can get hold of some old brick or stone just pile them up & cover them in soil, plant some blackberry bush & let nature take its own course, make sure you build it wide enough to take a couple of seats
  7. so does my wife Thats two more posts for me
  8. Yep so it will soon be time for them to come back out good time for dog foxes they travel miles for a bonk
  9. What do you want a big hat ? If you read some of the threads in other sections you will find a lot more bullshit than this & Kay didnt even post them
  10. You must be very proud Tracey and rightly so, well done to your boy long may it last
  11. welcome Open ticket Not for a while yet but keep getting the permission land & it will come in a few years, Good luck
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