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Everything posted by BULLDOUG

  1. Your damn right but action is needed not just words. I know the left wing are happy to pretend this is not happening but without action now the war is sadly over. Even if we act now we still have an almighty task (maybe even a miracle) to put this problem to bed. NO SURRENDER
  2. I have all the time in the world for you buddy. A man of my own with passion. No surrender
  3. What is going on buddy is Islam extremists are recruiting in our schools in our prisons in our uni's in there mosques and they are now being treated as first class citezens because of there voting paper. We as a Nation are happy for them to do so because we have warmth food and money, so it doesnt matter. Funny thing is the do good mother fookers who struggle to listen to the ones standing up to theese scummy beasts will be the first asking us to deffend when the shit hits the fan. Sharia law will never prevail whilst people of our great nation are willing to fight.
  4. The spring pole is a fantastic tool mate, builds there stomach and other muscles also. Good to see them working for there barf to lol.
  5. Hurlock, thanks for the advice and i will take it on board for sure. I vote conservative always have done and im proud to as well. You dont like indians? Are you jealous of them? They are hard working people who are not scared to work like 90% of our british people are! Fact, look at the doll office next time your out and about, i see more white people than ethnic's giving their lame excuses why they didnt turn up to their back to work interview.......lol Doug, sorry no time for you. Back down your hole. What hole would that be?? Dont bother answering because
  6. Not if its been uni bonded properly. thing is if you only uni bond it mate is that the render and the wall has a thin membrain of unibond between them ,not as strong as a good scratch coat ,and if you doing a full gable then you need all the time you can get as you probs know ,here,s one we did last year and this is a full drop top to bottom with no peicings Im all for scratch coating mate but what if you dont unibond the scratch? there gonna dry at different rates and for an air pocket no? Thats why its called bond. Nice job that mate, ive done gable ends with just two
  7. There mint mate, fair play. Some strong looking dogs also.
  8. Here in the Black country theres a massive amount 3-4 every time i go out (which isnt bloody often at the mo ) but there even crossing roads in urban areas.
  9. Not if its been uni bonded properly.
  10. Good point as the second coat will not bond. i would light render one coat, tyrolene and then sealacrete, all water would be repelled.
  11. A good sealacrete will help also, on top of whats been suggested. ATB Doug p.s great set up, looks mint.
  12. Buddy, the public are brainwashed into believing all BNP voters and EDL members (who may i add are nothing to do with one another)are fascists. I am not rascist and i say that from the bottom of my heart. I think the EDL will get atacked by the police again whilst they have a non arrest policy with Choudrys firm. We at the EDL are trying to be heard, we are screaming out to the government to hear us. Buch, i was in my local town yesterday when on indian guy was looking out his shop trying to get my attention, i walked into his shop and asked how his wife was, with his lip quivering he e

    hi all

    see wat i meat to many little prick like you on here tryin to be a funny little f_cker Shame to see you leaving like this. Nice avatar, is that a load of leaves with your dog? yea mate took them autum just gone got it as a pic in the house Did the dog catch them all? why u tryin to be funny mate get a life go walk ur shitzu or somethin You still here? Go and catch some snow balls and post ya pics up what the f_ck you on about stop being a smart arse and f**k off all i wanted is help to dellete my acount and i got little pricks like you tryin
  14. Such a shame, if i lived closer i would have one of them mate (im at least 3 miles away) Good luck with the sale im sure someone will get a melter of a dog.
  15. Hi, the thread has been removed now after being locked. It was regarding posts being removed by trigger happy mods.

    hi all

    see wat i meat to many little prick like you on here tryin to be a funny little f_cker Shame to see you leaving like this. Nice avatar, is that a load of leaves with your dog? yea mate took them autum just gone got it as a pic in the house Did the dog catch them all? why u tryin to be funny mate get a life go walk ur shitzu or somethin You still here? Go and catch some snow balls and post ya pics up
  17. Just tryed to post on the other thread but it was locked. I have had several posts deleted with no explenation as to why in the past. All i have to say is that if Mods feel they need removing thats fine, but a little common curtousy wouldnt go a miss, a wee explenation would be nice eh. If you want the Mod title then moderate with manners (it costs nowt) Yours in sport Bulldoug

    hi all

    see wat i meat to many little prick like you on here tryin to be a funny little f_cker Shame to see you leaving like this. Nice avatar, is that a load of leaves with your dog? yea mate took them autum just gone got it as a pic in the house Did the dog catch them all?

    hi all

    see wat i meat to many little prick like you on here tryin to be a funny little f_cker Shame to see you leaving like this. Nice avatar, is that a load of leaves with your dog?

    old pic...

    WHY ALL THE COMMANDS IN GERMAN Because its a sport designed for the German Shepard.

    old pic...

    Im a big fan of the Mali, have spent time visiting schutzhund clubs around England and been to see them compete at the Nationals, i also had the pleasure of seeing a little Mondio training. There was only one guy training Mondio in England and hes quit now from what i hear. Unfortunatly with my commitments i havnt the time to take a working shepard on at the moment but one day in the future i would like to think i could give it more of my time. ATB Bulldoug
  22. well said simple solution how can you fight a war when you've got the enemy within, we should give them all two choice's go home, or as in other war's internment Not so simple as its us they dont like and our laws/religions, they want our land but for themselves to practise Sharia law here. The only guys i see fighting the Islamic extremists on our shores are the non political EDL. We will no longer let this go on un challenged.
  23. Heres hoping, great stunt, we're getting stronger
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