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Everything posted by BULLDOUG

  1. sorted, thanks Bulldog
  2. This is my point exactly buddy, it seems the Muslim (extreme)community is a law amongst themselves. Theres a family a mile away from me who have a teenage lad, he got into a fight with a young Muslim lad of his own age. On the evening there house was surrounded with them brandishing weapons etc, this has turned into an ongoing thing and the police told the white family they should move home.
  3. Thats a good point, but like you say when in Rome, do as the Romans do. So why are there Mosques going up left right and center taking over the skys of our Christian country?? If we used the same discipline here there would be no BNP and no need for EDL.
  4. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2799483/Dubai-waiter-rapes-British-girl-then-SHE-and-fiance-are-held-for-illegal-sex.html


  6. Seems we should all be listening to you then buddy BTW dry food is kibble lol, my dogs dont eat it but dogs that do need a lot of water. As someone as pointed out tonight in another thread, "you get out what you put in". K9 nutrition is a hobby of mine if you like. each to there own.
  7. I had got my dogs in top nick (but there was just somthing missing) i had the best nutrition going in and just couldnt put my finger on what it was. I was working my dogs harder than ever before and like you say after two weeks using TPMS my dogs were in shocking condition. That would be great buddy, will deffo give you a shout ATB Dougie
  8. If the water is froze after an hour and you cant get back to it til night time and your dogs on a kibble diet then surely at the very least the dog will be misserable???? The lad obviously feels he needs advice on a subject. Whos blew this thread out of proportion?? Any way, it could be worse my Guiness could be freezing
  9. Yeah if youve got all day on your hands it is, some people are busy working. Ive put water down for my hens and its been frozen an hour later. Not freezing now
  10. Just looking through your web site buddy, nice site (real dog man). I see you use Adrians meat at TPMS, best in the country i think, i see massive differences in my dogs on this. It would be great to come and see your dogs one day buddy.
  11. Absaloutley outstanding, i really enjoyed those pics. The dogs are stunning, you must be proud as punch mate. Dougie.


    f****n HAVE IT!!!!!!!
  13. The question was a valid one mate that rewarded a constructive answer, what was the point of your answer?? VERY NEGATIVE ME MON AY YA?
  14. Hot water freezes quicker due to there being more air in the water. Try adding a little glycerine to the water (brought in the baking section of supermarket) LMAO at anti freeze, always jumps start the dogs again the following day
  15. Ah ya see this method has been used for a long time and theres buildings stood for a 100 years and only starting to show wear now. It aint rocket science is it lol. I was a spread for17 years and been out the trade for a few years, but still get begged to go back on the tools, theres a reason for that. I'll leave it for you chemical brothers lmao.


    Love to play, and watch a titchy bit
  17. Will the EDL stand and fight or run again Run from who?
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