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saluki bouy

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Everything posted by saluki bouy

  1. [bANNED TEXT] just think if use lads stuck that up at the start it would of been a lot less bull shitting going on fair play to use and on the plus side i know now ust jesting happy hunting
  2. right lads so use boys have this line of dogs that have come from nowhere or so it all seem if you dont no etc etc so whats with it come on lets here the sales pitch 100 percent each pup guarenteed or your money back? is blackwater a line of bull? or just your little name for the group of you that go out together? are they bred to a certian type? does the original breeding go back to a certian strain or better known line? must admit am spectical but interested come tell us all
  3. cheers sniper the only reason people think there some sort of wonderdog thsts always going to have limitless stamina they leave them penned up invite people out show them how good there dogs are and the dogs just hunt up after the first slip there not being unobiediant just glad to be let of although i will admit i done alot of work on my bitch i have at the minuate to get her where she is but its just come natural to her pup i have
  4. look mate most saluki crosses havent got shit recall its just you have to consintrate on recall more when training both mine have great recall so does my mates pure saluki and my old deerhound saluki x
  5. cracking pictures what way is the bitch bred at the top pics
  6. pups looking great mate still cant beleive how much those two look alike. have you measured your pup done mine yesterday 21.5 inchs tts dams 23.5 all try get some decent pictures up aswell
  7. widgeon whistle not gona say it works every time but we all know each one not 100 percent effective
  8. just to jump on this band wagon. ive a 3/4 saluki 1/4 greyhound bitch 23 24 inchs tts and no ive never ran on the fens but up here are big fields are small compared to the fens . shes in no way a plodder maybe thats due to the fact she learnt that the humble rabbit had to be taken a quick as possible before she got to the warren so she was dynamite when it came to her first hare thinking it would do one to. So what i am trying to say is yes in the desert the saluki is used for huge land and on the fens its huge land to. my little bitch is bred for the fens but was brought up in rough country r
  9. ridgeback for me or a shepard . know a boy who had his to ridgebacks in his work van one stopped outside the shop some little scroat tried to get him to my him fags which he said no to the boy told him he noticed he never locked his motor and not to expect it to be there when he got back just laughed in the laddys face trusted the dogs 100 percent . and the motor was still there when he got back along with one pissed of little chav and to very pissed of dogs
  10. try Mumford and sons the cave or little lion man
  11. have to agree about the breeding here dont no feck all about bulls but the feet on that greyhound are crap mate and am not going to say no offence because you should be
  12. i would say thats frustration LancsUK. ive seen a variety of types that were yappers have to admit whippets seem to have that trait including my old boy on rabbits but never on fox preban hes about 10 now so been a while. and heard of a good few that were jusst past around or shot these are usually in my experiance keepers who buy in grown dogs doing the job take it out once a week out of the kennel then the catch rate starts to drop and not after long the dogs there running lose all there muscle mass and are running completely unfit then they hear the yap yap of frustration and BANG or pass i
  13. aye the feed back am getting is that there all little s***s when with older dogs fighting mine is aswell shes a calm little thing most of the time all get some pics up in the next couple days and one of the mum two had two nights out with her since the litter and shes came back into season so thats the fitness regime been given up on for the next few weeks anyway
  14. they really are the double of one an other how is she bred again
  15. brilliant mate he was the pick of the litter a would say he looks brilliant respect to you looks like hes got a cracking home still cant beleive how much are older two are the double
  16. Good luck with the sale might try sort something out for myself need to give you a call anyway
  17. ryan was saying about you having to sell up the other nite when we were out sorry to here about it you must be gutted would have that bull x of you in an instant if i had kennels ryan was saying it was a canny dog good luck
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