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saluki bouy

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Everything posted by saluki bouy

  1. just what i do is 3-4 mile on the bike every day jogging the dog although start of last season i pushed to 6 to try get her fitter quicker after the pups she became muscle bond. but with the pup this season 3 to 4 mile a day to start with late july till end of august constant dependein on how she takes it by october she ll be out almost every day mooching at least can of whole baby tomatos in with her food at night an she ll not be stiff the next day
  2. here mark wht dogs you run ul have the pick of hundres of great dogs uv helped take of lads u c... but seriously now do u enjoy ur job as much as they say u do? or is it the salary? how do you sleep at nite with a clear concious wht about rapists drug dealers child molesters i know for a fact there two town in the borders where they house them al nt far from u either i bet!!! hope u burn in hell an plenty al want to put u there
  3. aye keano just spotted the name as well here you cock get a live an leave ours...an ull never catch me am a ginger bread man

  4. the rough coat in poachermans pup comes from the fathers breeding which are all saluki hybrids the mother was half cross saluki greyhound put back to full saluki. i dont think saluki crosses are anything like wht they were when they first appeared i remember when i wanted my first lurcher my old man was not entertianing the idea of a saluki crosses at all from his personal experiances in the 70s early 80s. the mother to poachermans pups is a great bitch i think the secret was a strong bond between myself and her to make her a great allround lurcher with the sister to poachermans dog shes very
  5. dams 3/4 saluki 1/4 greyhound bred down in bishop auckland sires is directley from allan sankey. eddie common bred it though.its dame was shaddow out of dancer and smokey and its sire is a dog called jake which was out of stinger who was sired by dancers half brother. the sire to jake was osker. whos dame was jody and sire was nipper why u ask huggy
  6. looking great mate nice stamp cant wait to have a good look at him in the flesh all try get a picture up but am useless with them on this thing still holding the pup back still not quite ready yet just resisting temptation how where they bred whin pups are 10 month
  7. stevie mate look if this was next year and the dog is doing what im planin on doing with him thats what he d sell for november next year you no wht its like the point am trying to get across is tht no one wants to put the work in and buy the dog now but in november you can name the price for a dog thats doing the business just seems no one wants to do it themseleves all pm you a price the now paterdale88 briliant no problem at all u bringing your dog up
  8. sorry not been on since i last posted i no its tough times for folks this time of year including my self af had a couple texts from some jokers but this dog ill be the bizz i can keep him till september get him on some blue hares retreiving of course end of febuary then start them on the brown september and sell the dog for 400 500 november next year easily so whats the problem that some one else on here cant to the same and have a excellant dog come next febuary
  9. Yip Gilster. dog is still for sale, you might have to phone this number 07890868757 if u want to get in touch.
  10. if the photo doesnt work can send some to phone
  11. i have here a 10 month old male saluki greyhound one of the pups i bred last year came back to me the other day due to personal circumstances of the owner nothing wrong with this boy at all great solid feet very well build will be about 24-5 inchs to the shoulder and still got some knuckle left should make 26-7 great with kids quiet in kennel not to boistourus with other dogs perfect age to start at the begaining of the season mother and father work all quarry regularly and extremely well a couple of people on this sight have litter brothers to this dog an are well chuffed i would keep him my
  12. crackers mate pm where you are in the borders mate
  13. get the pictures up mate would like to see the dog out of gaskins tramp and the 13 month old dog
  14. aye the one in stirling is near blair drumond safari park its a nice club not been in years all try find a number for you nice family affair aswell there kids always welcome used to live there every sunday as kids me and my brothers
  15. hes lookin excelland bud hes massive we ll have some fun next year with out a dout
  16. crackin pics of the bitch mate its uncanny a think the resembalance we ll see how they get on when we have a day out trying to get something sorted for on the moors get some white lifted
  17. cheers folks she does a bit yes bolio but the breeding is on the pups sires side i know one of the pups out of the dams litter came up to scotland aswell catcher1
  18. all try get some better pictures the morn folks cheers
  19. iceman001979 the sire is directley from allan sankey. eddie common bred it though.its dam was shaddow out of dancer and smokey and its sire is a dog called jake which was out of stinger who was sired by dancers half brother. the sire to jake was osker. whos dame was jody and sire was nipper
  20. not really sure if there was big names in her make up bolio she was bred of a boy in bishop aucland well witton park to be exact shes 3/4 saluki 1/4 greyhound
  21. photos are abit crap need to get myself a new camera
  22. hope thats worked not a great photo i know shes about 22 inchs tts 5 months old heres the breeding its not direct but dancers in there week old wormed and flead to date the sire is directley from allan sankey. eddie common bred it though.its dame was shaddow out of dancer and smokey and its sire is a dog called jake which was out of stinger who was sired by dancers half brother. the sire to jake was osker. whos dame was jody and sire was nipper
  23. cracking dog bolio and same to you snoopdog all put up a picture of my pup i kept out of the litter i bred which has dancers bloodline in her later on
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