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Everything posted by roebuck220

  1. Dig 4/6 inches away from in below it.
  2. Nice stamp of a dog....If only lived closer............Oh f**k just noticed you're not selling it.
  3. How old are they? you would need to give more info about how you found them ...all together...scattered around, pull the skin off them right up to the head looking for marks. Are the rest lively enough as it could be disease, hexy etc
  4. We put them in a pen, just a length of rabbit netting so they have half land half water. A few will flap out over it pretty quick but don't worry about that. Just keep them in it for about a week so they know where the food is. I feed them in the evening and chase them off in the morning so they fly back to feed, depends on your ground but we have a loch close by that they go to during the day. If your pond is big they can be hard to chase off it as they will sit in the middle but once they have been shot a couple of times it should be fine. If you have any partridge or pheasant drives close
  5. Wonder if Sharapova makes that much noise when she's getting it rammed up her??

    1. seang


      not if her poster in my room is anything go by lol

    2. ginga john

      ginga john

      Yes she does :-)


    3. seang


      she must kno my missus is down stairs so !!!!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. No, this is going to go on longer than the guy who had a rat in his loft.
  7. You mean to say you give your young polish boys the night off, should build an extra hut so they can be on site 24/7.
  8. If it was called The Rack, Holly would win!!

    1. Lab


      I defo have a go on The Rack...:-)

  9. He's f*****g lucky it was not Lab who found him, or been stuck like that would be the least of his problems.
  10. Hope we get a few hours warning so i can beat the crap out of that c**t next door, then find the nearest brothel.
  11. Sitting back with a beer watching all the huns getting worked up all over again probably..........is there a close season on hun baiting?
  12. Thought he was gonna bend her over and give her a bone of his own, just to finish it off.
  13. Is that Richard Gough next to the pope or is it Durrant can't quite make out.
  14. And it looks like the two last ever owners of Rangers will be.....Green & Whyte......you couldn't make it up.
  15. Aye John Waters, Ronnie Taylor, The Holburn, My first dose...... good times....
  16. Heart's deserved to win, Celtics goal was offside simple as that. Didn't think Celtic should have had a penalty. Celtic had a huge percent of possession in the first half and didn't make it count, and paid the price. Hopefully the Greek fanny will be sold at the end of the season. Should be a good final hope Hibs win.
  17. Most of the people on this thread seem to be huns, but they seem highly concerned about Celtic. So who do you support Hearts or Killie??
  18. I'd rather have a big single than the prospect of ten in a row with heehaw. There's only one Craig White.
  19. Celtic are the CHAMPIONS, killie with one cup, Hearts/Hibs with the other. Ranger's with f**k all, You are the people-We are the CHAMPIONS.
  20. My tackle's only about one foot, but i've done some damage with it.
  21. Lab-tastic Will take you on for the summer rearing, or at least he will if you still have your school uniform
  22. Ranger's supporter's are hereby reminded the deadline for payment for season ticket's season 2025/26 is 3pm tomorrow..
  23. Girlfriend dropping hint's about getting married.....Told her the only ring she'll get off me will be a sore one!!e

    1. 6pack


      And they say romance is dead!

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