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Everything posted by roebuck220

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/vintage-newhouse-6-double-long-spring-TRAP-ANTIQUE-WOLF-BEAR-TRAPS-/130907950922?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7ab8cf4a Wish I had a dozen of these hanging in the shed!!
  2. "Oh Daddy OhDaddy"-That's 100% true and very f****d up I think, only did her twice, couldn't get my head round that, she was from a very small village though!!! "your time's nearly up, you better come quick or you'll have to pay for another half hour" Clock watching bitch.
  3. Think Nicola Sturgeon would look pretty good bent over the kitchen table, no??
  4. Nothing to do with me. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASSORTMENT-OF-AT-LEAST-30-LIVE-ANIMAL-TRAPS-RAT-SQUIRREL-MINK-RABBIT-NO-RESERVE-/370802545502?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Weed_Pest_Control_CV&hash=item56558dd35e
  5. What about green lions, can you no do something about that?
  6. No chance of the post office in Govan closing then!!!
  7. Yes Seen it all to often with Celtic, going away to play teams they could and should be doing by 3 or 4 goals and the players just not putting the effort in, then go 1.0 down with 10 minutes to go and all of a sudden tempo gets raised and having an attempt every minute or so. If they got paid a small basic wage and a big win bonus it would be better for everyone including the club.
  8. Aye go to the doctors, I got some diclofenac tablets when I did a muscle a while ago and they were great, took the pain away in hours.
  9. Blow job and a ride for a vodka and coke, although I unnecessarily pushed the boat out and bought her a double.
  10. If your pen is big enough and with a fair bit of cover/brash you should be ok. The main problem can be the backs of the hens getting ripped open by the cocks spurs.
  11. As above no bother, wish I hadn't been able to see a couple of the birds i've shagged after a few pints.
  12. You ginger perv, think you should be thrown off the site for that!!
  13. This time next year you might have expanded, have a couple of polish guys doing all the work and you can spend all day on here talking shite
  14. My tipping is based entirely on how fit the waitress is, if it's a waiter they get f**k all.
  15. If your talking about pheasants you dont need that many cocks in each pen, 2 in each would be plenty. The cocks are not likely to kill each other, but they will kill the hens by treading them with the numbers you have. (ripping their backs open while shagging). You can cut/file the spurs off the cocks to help prevent this.
  16. Mind you I didn't predict Celtic would give Barcelona a footballing lesson, so who knows.
  17. Think Madrid will be to strong for utd tonight.
  18. Hard to believe, but would not really be surprised.
  19. You could just take me with you, no need to worry about heating then might need air con though
  20. Yes took it all in and got number back pretty quick. Have to agree with you BPR, a stop on a rabbit snare FFS its a joke.
  21. Well I did the snaring course and the SGA guy running it never said anything about snares in sheds, only about every snare you set needing your id number on it and all set legally.
  22. Nice work, Orla Mellons a porn star name if ever there was!
  23. That's the one, think I got my first dose there. Not off the bird with the handcuffs though.
  24. Wouldn't say it was rough, more bizarre Cleopatras in Glasgow. first time I was in it this girl handcuffed herself to me and told me the key was at her flat, and the only way I was getting loose was to go home with her and f**k her. Thing is I would have happily done it anyway, she was plain looking but had a tidy body. Don't know if the place is still open or not.
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