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Everything posted by roebuck220

  1. Aye Dundee even I could kick a ball from Dens park in to Tannadice.
  2. Don't listen to Lab he's still trying to work out if the big squares on Rylock go at the top or bottom.
  3. Stagger your rails, looks better and gives a stronger fence.
  4. Look out Wales Rangers fans are heading your way!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmGjiokfQ2A
  5. Just above Dunkeld right beside the A9
  6. You want to get yourself to the Hermitage car park Perthshire Keeper I've heard it's quite interesting there after dark
  7. Don't know his name but he told me he used to have a game farm in Fife, then his girlfriend ran off with the Polish guy who did all the work rearing the birds.
  8. I have been told the car is sorted now, but he spent last winter in it, have also been told he has been offered housing by the council but won't take it. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/pictures-pensioner-charles-been-living-2364285
  9. The only thing there is more of than keepers is fishing ghillies around Pitlochry, so you better watch where you go with your rod as well!
  10. That's what happens when you sell your best players and don't replace them, no challenge in the league so the cash will not be spent on players. Can really only see us finishing bottom of the group now as Barca and Milan should easily win their last 2 games. Things will not change until Rangers are back up and challenging again, forcing the board to hang on to any quality players. The bank balance may look good but the football certainly does not. As for Samaras he has had about 6 decent games since he arrived, and as for the defence not even going to start as I would be here all night.
  11. Would suck a fart out of that Tamera.

  12. Frank McAvennie, Henrik Larsson
  13. Would you be able to get a damascus blank, not a big one something similar in size to the blanks above. Cheers
  14. Aye Aye safety glasses all steamed up and looking at big tam's arse instead no doubt
  15. Terry Butcher for the job, a taxi driver just told me.
  16. If you do it without skinning the skull make sure you cut the skin a bit up from the nose, like from tusk to tusk over the top otherwise when the skin shrinks away with boiling it can snap the fragile nose bone off. I have seen this happen on younger deer. I skin them all now as once you get good at it it hardly takes any time. Then a blast with the pressure washer and away you go.
  17. Burco boilers, have used them before and they where good, expensive new but look on ebay or find a second hand one unless you're doing a lot then maybe you can justify a new one.
  18. Can't really help you on that one, however it has not gone unnoticed on me that women who ride horses tend to be horny fuckers!!!!
  19. Aye Lab came out of the closet,and everybody agreed not to give him a hard time about it.
  20. Hot birds that wont take it up the ass!!
  21. Nothing cracks me up like the paki's with a wegie accent, f***ing hilarious.
  22. Nothing much in season at that time of year(if it needs to be in june). Roe bucks would be if he is into stalking though. If not I know a cracking clay shooting set up just on the outskirts of Amsterdam, i'm sure he wouldn't mind heading over there for a weekend.
  23. Is there no polish blokes about for you to ask??
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