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Everything posted by dennned

  1. ross ah know , but your editing no the best either lol cheers pal
  2. aye davie, she's a guid mother, but it's all to do with the food your feeding her to help produce the milk, they'll be eating solids very soon, so that'll give her a rest and time to feed herself too, i cant wait to see them on friday, i'll come up after my work, bring more meat for them
  3. let them take off teri , till she doesnae want them , maryanne feeding her well so she'll feed pups good too
  4. just like me then pal , lol Never... colin , you should get one of these pups , that way , davie wont have all of them hunting his places Got my hands full here Stuart - new pup coming from Wales in next couple of weeks - all the best with them though - they're nice pups... U got any more pics??? no yet colin , might go up tomorrow, if no , i'll get davie to post some , but really happy with them , guid luck with your pup
  5. aye stuart, they will be handy pups, if they turn out like sire n dam
  6. just like me then pal , lol Never... colin , you should get one of these pups , that way , davie wont have all of them hunting his places
  7. fk scone , robbing b*****ds , morpeth hunt show , much more enjoyable
  8. good lad davie asap , im missing them lol
  9. davie see if you can get anymore pictures of pups on here , be nice to see them all on the wander
  10. fkin quality colin lol AGAIN???????????????? This heavy enough for you????????????????? Ele x Phant - this is Diana the Trumpetress cracking 5/5 bitch...stay all day, good memory, good feet, skin don't tear, ears could have more feathering but you can't have it all...certainly capable of outgunning a saluki x any day... a-elephant_img01-l.jpg
  11. no be long till theyre all gone pal, then the fun begins ,
  12. I would like to think that most would regulate themselves and give the hares a break, to breed and raise young but the problem is that if we dont, the heavy hand of authority is gonna regulate it for us! I feel that we need to be sensible and show respect to the animals we seek because we are doing ourselves no favours if we come accross as killing whatever we want when we want. To have a say in any future legislation about hunting we need to show that we have the ability to self regulate, the respect for what we hunt and the ability to forward our arguments and reasons sensibly We always nee
  13. dogs for sale if anybody over the water looking for quality pups
  14. when is the next one ?? mines lame the now , but hopfullu he'll be ok for the 28th
  15. theyre no being tested the same because of this stupid hunting ban, cant disagree they were 2 top men, of the doggie world, but theres others i'm sure were just as good, only not choosing to go into the spotlight like they did, alan & craig, brought the coursing world of lurchers to the very top because of sheer dedication and LUCK, like i said theres others who chose not to hug the limelight
  16. my bitch just had a litter and she'll be 10 in september, but fit healthy bitches i dont see ne problems ---- good luck
  17. it was the border woman that noticed however it doesnae matter lol
  18. cheers ross , nae complaints with them ross , they all doing great
  19. well went to see my pups today, shock horror, the size of them is incredible, there was also another pup, born after the dew claws were removed on the day of there birth, even dave never noticed, understandable though, as the mum has them huddled so tight into her, pics to follow, as soon as i txt them to ross lol
  20. just spoke to davie, ffs he tells me one of the pups walking , theyre no 2 weeks till sunday
  21. me too davie canna wait till i get black bitch, she be a cracker , everyone that is lucky to get one, wont be disappointed
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