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Everything posted by dennned

  2. aye guid pal , jinx says he really enjoyed the taste of his first rabbit stew , hopes there's plenty more to come , thanks for the bunny , did you enjoy the venison
  3. your damn right too many people think only of themselves, glad to hear you exchange things to survive
  4. if it's only rabbits your after , you would not go far wrong with a collie x greyhound , or a smaller type a bedlington x whippet, whatever your choice , good luck and plenty of succsess.
  5. yes pay up if it was a genuine bet, but dont if he's pulling a fast one , i was on as well last night ( just reading , but replying sometimes , anyway what a load o shite was being typed last night , drink is no excuse, would have liked to have an adult conversation , not schoolboy antics trying to impress the ladies at night , so come on lads lets have a serious topic for once.
  6. just been to visit my pal ( beddiwhuppit ) and had a great blether , had a good swap as well , he gave me a rabbit in exchange for a piece of fresh venison , absolutely delighted , what are friends for ! , anyway what do you, all exchange for free would be interested to hear your reply's, never mind the land the free , we all know this is the land of the plenty ( hares, rabbits, & deer ) what a dream.
  7. it has to be a pup, why buy in , you may buy somebody's problem, take it this way , ask yourself why someone is selling an adult dog if it's any good, they are hard to come by , so why sell , rear a pup , not only will it be great fun , sometimes frustrating , but really great especially when it turns out just the way you want.
  8. wash them with a nail brush to clean all the shit after a nights work , then put a small amount of sudocrem on if they are badly infected , but if you have cleaned them every time you come in they wont get infected, so a little time after each nights hunting to wash the feet and check for grazes is the answer, good luck
  9. great nights lamping, there must be plenty of game and no other hunters to catch a great bag like that , keep it up
  10. dennned


    aye franny it is , who r u , how did you know has he told you , it's doing his head in
  11. dennned

    khan v earl

    i think earl could give khan his toughest fight, willie limmond gave khan a real test before they retired him with a fractured jaw , not a big puncher but he had khan in trouble, greame earl punches a lot harder than limmond , but just remember frank bruno enough said about the standard of opponents
  12. dennned


    we tried putting him with a bitch , but he did'nt get alomg with her , but as i said he's comming to himself gradually, thanks for the intrest.
  13. dennned


    no it's a dog , but as i said he's coming to himself gradually so time will tell , cheers anyway.
  14. dennned


    aye ditch you are probably right, it's not something i have suffered personally( except when the stupid hunting ban came) but i have seen plenty of people suffer , and yes it's a terrible illness , but having had dogs near on 30 year it's hard to imagine a greyhound to suffer such an illness, this dog has been moved in the kennel to nearest the door , so that he is seeing everything that is going on in the kennels, he gets let out 4 times / day onto a 3 acre field for a scamper , he is ,at this moment in time becoming more active than he was , so it's possible that he has been needing a rest
  15. dennned


    yes your maybe right , but he breeds greyhounds , keeps racers , and also rears them on , he currently has about 50 dogs in total , is at the kennel 24/7 him and his worker , so those dogs are handled and groomed on a daily basis, that particular dog had been in the kennel 3 weeks , so had ample time to re-adjust but thanks for your thoughts
  16. dennned


    aye maybe but i just find it hard to believe a dog could be depressed
  17. dennned


    my mate recently paid a lot of money for a greyhound from ireland, imagine to his disgust , the dog when taken for trials was running about a second below it's best times, frustrated at what was happening he took the dog back over to ireland to be checked over by a top greyhound vet, the vet could'nt find anything wrong with the dog physically, but was told that the dog was depressed, when he told me i burst out laughing , very annoyed , my mate said that was the truth, has anybody else ever had a dog that was diagnosed as being depressed would'nt mind hearing some reply's , then i could help
  18. thats great pal we'll have to get out for a shine to see if the little fella can find another 10 min chase on old big ear got one last night o the small version and one o the other, was a good night you could have come , aaron loved it , the bitch has been under a cloud for 3 days , not ate owt , niether has the big fella anyway want to come up to watch the hatton scrap tonight
  19. fantastic, that was the reply i got from my mates 11 year old the first night i took him out , i also think it's a great idea to encourage youngsters into our sport, it needs regenerated , cant wait till we have a change of office at westminster, maybe they will overturn this ridiculous ban, to leave us free to hunt and pass on our skills as the hunter, to our kids , like our fathers did for us. ps fuc- the ban
  20. points hatton,mayweather will be sick of the sight of the little terrierafter 12 rounds , but beware , mayweather is the most skillfull dodger of them all,he wont want a fight , he'll just try to cut hatton a s a p and hope for a stoppage, he aint got the power to stop it , good luck to ricky the new , !!!!!! world champ and when he's hit mayweather with all those punches it will be hasta lavista dick head
  21. dennned

    new greyhound

    hiya how's she bred , and what grade just interested cos i bet a lot at sunderland, are you going to breed her .
  22. didn't you read the post properly s j m the dog caught the hare it was the dog that nearly killed himself putting in all that effort
  23. this is a real conundrum pure speed then the greyhound pure stamina then the saluki agility then it's either or being realistic it just depends on the ground that you are hunting hills then it's the greyhound flat fields then it's the blistering speed of the greyhound vast open spaces the it's the saluki so it really comes down to a matter of choice.
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