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Everything posted by dennned

  1. dont bring any rain with you , it's been braw here all day
  4. they had better be , boys , i did'nt pick the judges to put there friends up first , i picked them cos they know the time of day as i allways do , but you can be the judge for yourself and leave a reply or 2 on here to let everyone know. cheers den.
  5. here is a list of the lurcher qualifiers, if your not on it , phone 01450 373229 and let me know where you qualified , in scotland , and we'll sort it out.SCOTTISH CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS – LURCHERS MR McDERMOTT - KIZZ MR THOMPSON - LYNDI MR SCOTT - SOUL . - ?? MR QUAN- SOONS - TYE MRS COOKE - BUZZ MR MACRAW - ROY MR GARRE
  6. i hope the weather is as good on sunday as it was last sunday at hopetoun house, the champion of champions , kicks off at 1.00pm , followed by the open show , for lurchers , terriers & working dogs , there will be racing for lurchers & terriers with a first prize of £50, for them both, first 16 entries only . good luck to all championship qualifiers .
  7. well done that man , no not you SS or sounder , but the 2 legged retriever , f**k me SS thats 2 large dogs there mate, good night , bet you hope theres more to come from , your irish buddy.
  8. i cant believe what i've been reading , all the bitching from grown men about the terriers , as the lurcher judge , i have'nt read one reply about the judging i done , yippee, must have pleased everyone with my choice as , the cock of the north champion
  9. got my first at 18 a whippet x collie x grey second was a pedigree cairn terrier , that was it , hooked on hunting , dogs today , dogs tomorrow , dogs forever, im 46 now and still learning , as i've been told on here , I KNOW f**k ALL ABOUT DOGS . from some c**t who thinks he knows it all , easy to blow your own trumpet i say.
  10. well done , lee , good catch there , i was out myself tonight, only caught one from 4 runs before my lamp f****d up , went home in a tizzy , great night for it , then that happens, i'll fix it for the next venture out.
  11. thats where it whent ... i hope you followed the feeding regime rigorously taking particular note of the cheese and chutny lunch washed down with the cheapest cola you can buy followed by the enforced rest period of 18 hours .... this is the key to the excersise and if you deviated off it then i am afraid all your hard work was in vain ..... i look forward to your rippling body doing a few more turns on the shovel this year as the chalk and flint has broken many a tough guy up here .............. got to agree with , socks , you can get more from your dogs , with the proper diet &
  12. lass , that £36 will do for all those rosettes i sold ye , well done , kev must have had a busy day , if you were at the beer tent most of the day.did you race casper too.
  13. longdogrunner, just a thought , but as this competition is such a good idea ( afraid i've not got my bitch in it )i was just thinking , maybe you could run a raffle ( for the amount of rabbits thats caught in the competition ) say £1 / guess , im sure all the , thl , members who aint in the competition would buy a ticket , or promise the payment for a guess, just so that they have some sort of interest in the competition it's self , depending on the amount of interest , there could be a small monetry payment for the closest guess , then the remainder of the money , paid to a charity of yo
  14. not too good , lurcher lass, but hey who cares , it's about meeting friends old and new, anything else is a bonus.
  15. kreet , why so short a range , if the stud dog you want is 300mls away , go use it , not something thats not what you dont want, i have a 7/8th grey x 1/8 collie , if you want , here in the borders.
  16. it's up actually , tracey , you will absolutely love , the rolling hills of the borders , i promise
  17. lass , i bet you had a whale of a time in , yorkshire , very friendly people ( just like us hawick folk ) did you have lots to drink , or did you ( as i suspect ) behave yourself, tracey , you deserve a medal for letting lass stay at yours , maybe lass will let you stay at hers at ( the common riding friday ) in june , then youd see real hospitality ( not that were decrying yours) im sure it was first class , but if not i will make a point of meeting you at selby show next year .
  18. cheers , tracey ,dont fret , lass really is a1, but crackers too , she'll no get pissed unless you do too , so dont worry , look forward to txting on chat tonight , so dont be getting pissed.
  19. them buns lookdelicious , tracey , any chance of sending some fresh ones back with , lass , for me , ps. i like currants in mine , and a little nutmeg , cheers .
  20. hopefully next year , i , might win something with my pups , as they should ( if she is pregnant )be 11 1/2 months by then , just the right age to challenge the adult dogs too, so i'll see you all next year.
  21. lass , you've been found out , get my mixer back , then i can return the new one the insurance company bought me ok .
  22. ok , maxhardcore , yes your right about , some picture , but it could'nt win at gretna , there are a good crop of open racers on the flaps that could compete with the best in the country , too , some even better than you think .
  23. keano , well done mate , your terrier was a worthy champ , your lurcher is a nice dog also , but on this occasion there was 3 better ones today , dont despair his time will come im sure , .
  24. cheers mate , hope the footie result went the right way for ye.
  25. thieving greece---y b*****ds , thats my mixer.
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