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Everything posted by dennned

  1. how they bred francis, did you breed them or buy them in
  2. tyla, i recommend getting the toe pin fired, if you can find a vet who'll do it, others have had it done before with great results others with not so good results, as with nature , it's inthe lap of the gods---atvb --den
  3. hi tracey, looks like another fine looking animal , but if it turns out half as good as your black one , you'll have everyone jealous during the summer shows, a t v b -----stuart
  4. we will be visiting musselburgh race course on monday 27th & hopefully the 28th if the daughters boyfreind"leigh marshall"qualifies for the cross ties of the new year sprint, the winner last year, leigh has been blighted by injury all year, so trying to win again will be extremely difficult, but good luck leigh, aswell as good wishes to all competitors, vying for the £4000 first prize, as an added bonus the horses will be racing too
  5. rolfe, your sure your not david attenborough, those shots were amazing, thrifty little buggers the stoats are, keep up the good work, atb----den
  6. fair point, rolfe, i agree you lot do an exceptional job, just thought it might have been an option, as you said a few bad apples, hope it stops for the females, they dont need it.----- den
  7. i was just thinking the other night while i was in the chat room do you think, that it would be a good idea that newcomers should not be able to use the chat room, until they have made some sort of contribution to the site, as there has been a lot of "non posters" lately in the chat room who have been verbally & sexually abusing the female members , yes i know it's an open room, but does'nt it make sense to have members using the room who have regularly posted some topics, by only allowing good posters , we can in a way control the abuse, lots of the females on there can and do hold their
  8. ian, i've already been in quarentine, thats why i'm warning others
  9. hogdog---you must be kidding, theyre the pits them 3
  10. tess i'm being threatened by jinty i'm in for it, think her hormones must be running daft, but hey , i say bring it on jinty
  11. tess, you could be right but i'm a tough cookie i can take it
  12. i'd better not be-----------------or santa wont come to you
  13. get a life----mcass123, it's my warped sense of humour
  14. well lads and lassies, the 3 amigos you never thought youd see in the fleshH traceyg scottishlass jinty. who's who
  15. kya, theres a knackers at cumbernauld, i been getting meat from there for 3 years, good meat too
  16. youngy--- i know it sounds strange, but whenever one of my dogs loses a nail, i feed a cube of jelly to it's feed, cut up into small pieces every day for a fortnight, you'll see the nail grow quickly, i promise. atb--------den
  17. all the best--ian, hope theres many more to come keep of the brew ----------------atb---den
  18. kay, lovely pictures, but i bet they would'nt be so sedate if there was a lovely big lurcher chasing them but nice pictures all the same----keep them comming , your wildlife shots are amazing.
  19. think this new style format going to take a while to get used to

    1. cammy12


      hows things den? wait till you see ma bitch i think you might like her. what dates are the shows down your way on?

  20. your still alive, then, where or what you been doing

  21. i got a visit from our msp, touting for votes, i asked him in no uncertain terms, if the tory party would be overturning the hunting ban, he assured me that it was one of there agendas to do so------------so tories will be getting my vote this time-----den
  22. i think if you have a look at the greyhound data base, you'll find out, DROOPYS KEWEL, was a very very very good greyhound.
  23. having the toe pin fired might work, but it's finding a vet that'll do it now, my thoughts , youd be better getting a retired vet if you can, either that or cross over the water to have it done----good luck--den
  24. never a good idea removing an inside toe, for obvious reasons, it puts much more pressure on the free flowing toe,which in no time will inevitably break, i know it's hard to accept it, but sometimes we have to, this dogs hunting days are numbered, rest it till it's ok , hopefully it will be sorted , but running on rock hard ground will cause more damage i think than running on soft ground-----atb--den ps, keep us informed of it's progress
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