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Everything posted by dennned

  1. fair point, but it wouldnt have happened if some idiot(aye me) had brought the wheel, therefore no machine on the track
  2. Jamie pic of your pup from the show at the weekend.....taken by barnowlgirl she took some really good stuff at the weekend.... Too much excitement...thinking about sleeping.... gem.jpg Thank you BorderScot. Keep tagging anyone that you guys know on my photos on facebook! Hope to be at more shows next year and be doing more racing shots got hooked taking photos of those so going need more practise first! Get yourself along to the whippet racing... youll get some good practice there.... can get some good shots of them coming out the traps .... Yeah i want to head along to it, pl
  3. a didn't even no there was a hunting life class it was on the program steve
  4. jamie , your spot on mate, i'm on my way to pitch to clean up now, too good a venue to lose it, so bear that in mind next time your dog shits , please pick it up
  5. a seen that and to be honest I think it was a very lucky terrier because the black and white lurcher was in hot persuit of it if it hadn't been lifted might just have been more than one hole ? quote steve ? if it had got said terrier , it was a dead one lol , john , it'll be fine mate , hes a big strong pup
  6. looks nice that colin, bit of crusty bread and cupa spot on that mate, yeh he sounds nice bloke ,knows his dogs on the threads. smile colin ffs lol Ha ha ha...Mrs says right guys smile and I had 3/4 of a bacon roll in my mouth...she should stick to the f*****g cooking...sharp told her though... now how does that no surprise me lol , cheers jaqui the cakes were grand
  7. yes jacks a right good lad, hunts all he time too, o theres a bonus eh , sorry colin never introduced us, i'll be having it out wi him the day,lol
  8. thats no fair , were wanting to see who the show ponies were lol , looking good mind
  9. caroline , get a picture of the champions up , if you have them , please
  10. cheers caroline ,hope you had a good day, snapping away , deff look at your fotos , but no the night , i'm bushed
  11. champion lurcher was , james crellins , blk bitch champion terrier was steve robertsons lakie open show champion terrier stewart goldings border open show lurcher was david mcreas pete open show working dog was avril pringle's hungarian visla a massive thanks to all involved
  12. aye ah dont see why not , if theres enough might come and give the bitch a race will bring all most bob with me aye do that bill , more the merrier
  13. not long now, get your dogs ready, dont be let down by your dogs , get them in the best condition, dont forget no black teeth , or mud splattered coats ------only joking guys, hope you all have a wonderful time on sundy, and if your unlucky in losing, bear a thought for the winners, they like you are there , hopefully to be crowned scottish champion, accept the judges decicion gracefully and good luck all den
  14. mark you 2 keep off the beer, let the women have a night on the wine
  15. yes deffo hawick , as you come in from carslile on the left , see you sunday
  16. if it makes you happy grant , we will,but the programs have been printed
  17. the scottish champion of champions 2013 takes place on sunday the 29th september 2013, place, the volunteer park, hawick, 12.00pm sharp, TD9 0EL full terrier,lurcher, working dog show, to follow championship, childrens class, and a class for the hunting life members, judge will be the previous years winner theres also a full schedule of racing, both terriers and lurchers NO MUZZLE ------- NO RACING THERE WILL BE FOOD AND DRINK ON SALE ALL DAY LETS MAKE THE LAST SHOW IN SCOTLAND SOMETHING TO REMEMBER.
  18. no no no its no gonna rain , ffs it's hawick lol see you all soon
  19. good luck richard, not sure if i make it , but its your last chance to qualify for SCOTTISH CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS, lurcher and terrier, event.
  20. mark, im very honoured that youve replied, yes it hurts but it'll fade for sure, it's not losing her that phases me, it's coping with the stroke that hit me the day after,the bleed on my brain,has affected my speech and my power in my right side, onwards an up my big pal
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