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Everything posted by dennned

  1. he was guest speaker at a do i was at a few year ago some cracking storys ... stig , we had him at our annual boxing dinner, last year , did he tell you about the time , ali asked to share a dressing room with him, absolutely brilliant it was, i had a program when he beat laguana in the garden , signed by him , took it along , he asked how the f**k i had it , his granddad gave me it , he signed it again ---top bloke
  2. what about the ONLY, boxer from the united kingdom, to be inducted into the boxing hall of fame, yes thats right a legend---------- ken buchannan, class, skill , heart , i say no more
  3. you must be on drugs--- the last crop of british lads are fighting stiffs , to make records look good --- ok , i'll give you degale , yes talented , but very very amateurish, any decent fighter will have him on his ass , with his defence carried so low, need to keep away from big punchers
  4. paddy f*****g who------------oh aye the tv star
  5. Sorry to hear about pup mate thats rotten luck , hows ronnie doing now hes the pup out of colt isnt he ? ronnie's doing great thanks, rabbitracer, he has got gears for a young dog , wont be rushing with him though , after what he's been through , nerxt season looking good already though , lol
  6. clachan i added a post a while ago to see if the show,s date,s ect could be added or even pinned but look,s like no one is bothering there ass the only place the show,s ,game faire,s ect get added is the cmw and some dont get added sure would be an advantage to the show,s if more were aware of where they are no-one bothering their ass??? , steve , you try organising a show---- committee's decide show dates , so when we had ours , i'll add the date , but for sure it'll be 26th of june , stop being so f*****g negative towards organisers, we do our best, if we did'nt , youd have no shows to g
  7. ok , just back from vets , pup had an xray, he has split his pelvis , vet reckons 4>>>5 mil, not a huge gap , but one that will heal in time , he also has a little sciatic nerve damage , which will heal too , so it's 6>>>>10 weeks cage confinement , tough i know , but neccessary, keep you all posted on the progress , at least not spinal , as was first thought , ---den
  8. very diluted --- yes they are , but for my choice , tam , still doing very good buisness though , ???? hows yours
  9. ross , it's times like this , that make you think of chucking it all in , bred dogs for years 28 to be exact , to get what i got now , then this happens---think them fking anti's put a curse on me , lol
  10. cheers tam , aye me too , , hows yours doing ,
  11. cheers penny , fingers crossed , got him out his cage this morning , theres no change , but he's rying to wag his tail , yesterday he did'nt have the power to do that , so hopefully the drugs are starting to work---i'll keep you posted on progress As Skycat says , a good running dog vet is the way to go.I had a dog hit a banking he turned a somersalt chipped off a piece of bone, took him to Desi Fegan,then at Milton Keynes track, he injected some stuff around the errant bone, and isolated it, so that it caused no further problems . All the best with your dog ,hope its a positive outcome,
  12. cheers davie, bad luck or what , waited 4 years for this pup , hope he ok , i got the mother at least if theres no hope , keep you posted
  13. cheers penny , fingers crossed , got him out his cage this morning , theres no change , but he's rying to wag his tail , yesterday he did'nt have the power to do that , so hopefully the drugs are starting to work---i'll keep you posted on progress
  14. no as much as i do , , but i can only wait , might take a day or 2 , or a week or 2 , but he'll get every chance
  15. hope it makes a full recovery and comes good,at least your already thinking along the right lines but lets hope it doesnt come to that eh hope not watch, he going to be a special dog , if hes ok , very well bred , just got to hope fingers crossed for you mate thanks
  16. hope it makes a full recovery and comes good,at least your already thinking along the right lines but lets hope it doesnt come to that eh hope not watch, he going to be a special dog , if hes ok , very well bred , just got to hope
  17. tb, they were out for a piss , pups were fooling around , older pup knocke him over twice , started limping in the house , could'nt keep his balance , so i went to vets ,
  18. bad luck i had last year with ronnie , just seems to follow on this year--- reggie my pup a waited 4 years to get from my bitch , has damaged his spine ??? not looking good , but vet says it could just possibly be severe bruising as tests show hes feeling pain in his toes so , i'm just hoping everything going to be ok , if not , poor little fkr , need to go to heaven
  19. steve, i raced a greyhound 8 weeks after having her toe removed , so yours should be ok now
  20. i think what theyre trying to say----- is after the dog show, theres nothing much to do, except watch the main ring, entertaining yes , not to , lurcher & terrier men, good stalls though , selling everything youd need for a day hunting.-----den
  21. as everyone is assuming--- it's your dog, you know it best. having had large dogs for over35 years, i'd say that dog is no where near 70 lbs,i'm only surmising ,but i'd say it's nearer 50lb , than 70lb, fine looking dog al the same 2/ ask yourself this--- if i put on so much weight in a short space of time, i'd be struggling to carry that much extra bulk around, so asking a dog to work carrying it,and expecting it to work wl , is madness,i'm not having a go at you , but go find out about feeding working dogs, you'll then understand , how & why , your dog was blowing--------good luc
  22. john , cack was right , best bit was the racing and show , rest of fair just a rip off
  23. is there racing on at clamis this year????? might come along for a wee look love seeing the lurchers ,,,streaching out for fun,,,,would that be saturday or sunday ??? and would it be a track set out,,,,as last few years ive went up ,,,all have been done in main area ???,,,,except for showing,, definateley racing bob, i'm organising it , the track hould be , left side of the show rings----see you there stuart thanks stuart,,,,,is it both days and time???? i know my old man might come down with his pup,,,,,( almost bobs might come but unsure as he got champs week before
  24. and also this might help some of the show,s not running on the same day if people want to go to both as i have seen 2good shows ran the same day when both could be winners and not just the one show draw the people in sense at last steve, lol ----- yes a great idea , it's just a pity , some shows clash with others , it's all down to popularity , 20 years ago , there was'nt anywhere near the amount of shows there is now , so clashing always going to be a problem------den just a shame it,s had to come from someone who attends rather than someone who has ran show,s for year,s could be in eve
  25. and also this might help some of the show,s not running on the same day if people want to go to both as i have seen 2good shows ran the same day when both could be winners and not just the one show draw the people in sense at last steve, lol ----- yes a great idea , it's just a pity , some shows clash with others , it's all down to popularity , 20 years ago , there was'nt anywhere near the amount of shows there is now , so clashing always going to be a problem------den
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