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Everything posted by dennned

  1. cheers , you enjoy the concert , we'll still be here next year , so you might make it then-----atb den
  2. definately on my callendar again this year, will bring the lure as i said , yb , not a problem see ye all there
  3. borders area fieldsports-----lurcher, terrier, & working dog show at hawick ym rugby ground hawick sunday 26th june 1.00pm sharp full show followed by racing, qualifier for scottish champion of champions, cumbria championships , pride of the peaks finals, bull x championships at pontop pike 14 lurcher classes 11 terrier classes 12 working dog classes working dogs covers , labs, pointers , spaniels , whippets, collies , retrievers , and such like breeds hope to see you all there any info needed ----- den/ 07745517031-----01450 373229 Black"][/font]
  4. borders area fieldsports-----lurcher, terrier, & working dog show hawick ym rugby ground hawick sunday 26th june @ 1.00pm sharp full show followed by racing, qualifier for scottish champion of champions, cumbria championships , pride of the peaks finals, bull x championships at pontop pike 14 lurcher classes 11 terrier classes 12 working dog classes working dogs covers , labs, pointers , spaniels , whippets, collies , retrievers , and such like breeds hope to see you all there any info needed ----- den/ 07745517031
  5. any racing , ian---good wee show this one lads
  6. derek , there comes a time when you got to do whats best for you-------------it's only a show, i'm sure i speak for all your friends here , get well asap
  7. just phoned neil-----no problems at all with the roads----cycle race next week so he said
  8. twiggy ------rebel is a litter brother to mine, ronnie, who is , whippet x grey--x greyx borzoi x irish terrier , Denned, Thanks for clearing up Rebel's breeding - I thought his unusual markings may have come from a Borzoi influence. Tommy 'Borzoi' Agnew a well known KC judge who judged all over the world and All Ireland Championship twice would have confirmed this probably at first sight. Tommy was a great judge of a dog and I remember him going over the lurchers at Shanes Castle in an excelent fashion. Do I here an apology coming coming? Albertj probably not albert----
  9. twiggy ------rebel is a litter brother to mine, ronnie, who is , whippet x grey--x greyx borzoi x irish terrier , Denned, Thanks for clearing up Rebel's breeding - I thought his unusual markings may have come from a Borzoi influence. Tommy 'Borzoi' Agnew a well known KC judge who judged all over the world and All Ireland Championship twice would have confirmed this probably at first sight. Tommy was a great judge of a dog and I remember him going over the lurchers at Shanes Castle in an excelent fashion. Do I here an apology coming coming? Albertj probably not albert----
  10. be only too glad to help out , but it's the cost of travel from the mainland , otherwise i'd be over a lot to show, judge , race,
  11. twiggy ------rebel is a litter brother to mine, ronnie, who is , whippet x grey--x greyx borzoi x irish terrier ,
  12. is there a tad of envy here ??? lurchers come in all percentages of greyhound, i have 7/8th grey x 1/8th collie, is'nt that a lurcher either ---den
  13. glad you enjoyed the spoilt metropolis, get them pics up asap-------den
  14. i did-----but his ego was dented , he'll be back for another challenge,
  15. corect simon To be honest i dont think you need bags of experience to answer those questions, what exactly do you mean by hedge crashing? To me its a dog that doesn't pull up at a hedge and let quarry escape. and as for you getting rid of a 4 minute hare dog, that just shows you have no knowledge of the fens and the strains of dog that have been purpose bred to run fen hares. I do know what your saying about finding it more interesting seeing a balls out 60 second course, i feel the same bit i could also appreciate the lurchers that could wear the hare down on the big land and do it severa
  16. nicola, even i was surprised how fast your bull x was, it won the match race though , think that was more satisfying for you eh, lol
  17. Does anyone know? dont think there was any set whippet classes
  18. Denned, Congratulations - hope you can get across. See my latest post on the fair to see an extra prize for runner up in the Master Mc Grath. AlbertJ albert , i'll be trying my damn best to make it12.00 ferry fri night , back 12.00 ferry sat night, as my own show is on the sunday 26th
  19. was'nt a bad day for me, no winning in the showing , but won the racing , qualified for the master magrath finals at shanes castle , aso pleased was an understatement
  20. see you there bazz , weathers ?? supposed to be good , but it's the borders so you never know
  21. duke of buccleugh hunt show on sundat at midlem near selkirk , 12.00 start
  22. it's not the time for the bones to set you need to worry about , it's the time you give the dog ??? rehab a must , gentle as you go. my pup broke both bones in his leg at 14 weeks , he's now 13 months and flying at the moment , so my advice , be patient very patient , it'll come ok in the end-----den
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