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Everything posted by dennned

  1. margaret, sorry i did'nt get time for a chat on sunday, but as you saw i was up to my eyes in it lol , yes hope to make birr, where ill def take time for a natter-----den
  2. leigh an myself would like to thank you, albert, for having us too, we both thoroughly enjoyed the experience of shanes, and no doubt will return in 12 months ----den
  3. sammy will do , if i'm going , it's on the agenda depending on funds lol
  4. LF, Thanks - I am pleased that so many of the people who turned out in poor weather ( especially Sunday) have taken the time to contact me and thank me. My team were fantastic as were the two guys from the estate who helped us put in stoned gateways and additional roadways and the marquee contractors who helped us keep the ground good for the public on Sunday. I think the only tow out that I heard about was the hound lorry! I had hoped for glorious weather for our 50th Fair but in some ways I was more proud that we kept the show going when other events were cancelling all around us and we
  5. LF, Thanks - I am pleased that so many of the people who turned out in poor weather ( especially Sunday) have taken the time to contact me and thank me. My team were fantastic as were the two guys from the estate who helped us put in stoned gateways and additional roadways and the marquee contractors who helped us keep the ground good for the public on Sunday. I think the only tow out that I heard about was the hound lorry! I had hoped for glorious weather for our 50th Fair but in some ways I was more proud that we kept the show going when other events were cancelling all around us and we
  6. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog. Do you still think this is a pedigree deerhound, you above all people should of known it was not a pedigree deerhound with your 30 years of experience in lurchers. Welcome to Ireland, the home of wheaten cross lurchers. I would forgive you for thinking he was part deerhound, because of his colour. As I have stated he is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten, put it down as a learning curve for yourself, be
  7. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog. Do you still think this is a pedigree deerhound, you above all people should of known it was not a pedigree deerhound with your 30 years of experience in lurchers. Welcome to Ireland, the home of wheaten cross lurchers. I would forgive you for thinking he was part deerhound, because of his colour. As I have stated he is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten, put it down as a learning curve for yourself, be
  8. its old news now darren, just got to look forward an hopefully get past the line first
  9. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog. very nice too , am i the only one thinking it looked like a deerhound -- yes probably, sorry if you were insulted me asking ,
  10. again thanks , good to hear positive views than the slagging matches
  11. cheers t yes was nice meeting you too , i'm sure it wont be the last time
  12. lol i never said you were thick , but thats 6
  13. all 3 judges agreed the terrier was best,
  14. well flash--- mine a whippetxgrey x whippet xgreyx borzoixirish terrier---so he'd be 1 of the 4 then, his litter brother was there too, thats 2 there was 2 whippet x greys both under 21 thats 4 , so all the others were greyhounds ???? --if your going to keep posting ffs get the truth , an 3 of the named 4 were from scotland but all lost
  15. ah well , you know i know , plenty others know , but the line judge did'nt ----sour grapes too fkin right but we be back next year to redeem bring a greyhound next time if you want to compete cause all i have heard is thats what done the winning Sorry i didnt see the lads winning wetnose if you can find me an under 21 greyhound , i'll have it ----free of charge ofcourse lol
  16. sore losers , ffs flash you started this thread not me--- i lost in mm no complaints from me there , the better dog won but the wee black won , no doubt about it it's not even mine , so how am i a bad loser in this , my complaint was just, until theres evidence to prove, i'm still of the opinion it had won, go on , get a picture up , i'm sure someone will post one too you
  17. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it
  18. well thanks flash--- honoured i could only pick the best of each class in my eyes , i did that, the championship was much harder
  19. so coursing bitch , no a pure bred then ???
  20. oh well no tae worry , those who keep trying will eventually get the proper verdict, there must have been a lot of blind people on the line too then , that all said , black had won flash ---- come say hi next time
  21. ah well , you know i know , plenty others know , but the line judge did'nt ----sour grapes too fkin right but we be back next year to redeem
  22. albert , firstly may i say i thoroughly enjoyed my time judging, although someone thought i was shite lol , secondly as you are now aware we felt there was a wrong decicion made in the under 21 inch, several people on the line saying that leighs black bitch def won , not the blue bitch, however as i approched the line judge(only 1 mind you) shouting , which i appologise for doing so, saying how could he possibly have given the result to the blue bitch, whilst several others on the line had stated the black bitch had won----aggrieved , well i'm not , but leigh most certainly is, but theres on
  23. I was asked was there patterdale in my black an white russell........ ffs he get's paid for that 1 question i ask when judgeing -- how old the rest you do with your hands and eyes.. this dog has a black head and a small black patch on his back and i know what way he's bred as for the judge???? Bogside, May we straighten out a few things on this public forum for all to view please. That is if you are aiming these accusations at myself ?. First of all, I DID NOT get paid for judging at this show but was honoured to have been asked to judge it. Secondly, I never asked if any dog had
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