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Everything posted by dennned

  1. joking aside, its probably one of the best run clubs around, very professional
  2. aye and have to run against a non ped , but de worry theyre a shite lol
  3. Need to get bit of weight of they dogs before u run them! mine too, but nae better way than to run it off
  4. ah i see , just a bit far for me midweek , just a thought though
  5. its not about being the best ??? ,. 1/ quality rossettes 2/quality trophies for overall winners 3/ quality judges 4/ well organised racing if any 5/ fair entry money to classes and the gate 6/ plenty of prizes for the kids , if theyre happy, youve cracked it 7/ big rings, with parking if possible 8/ great raffle 9/ qualifiers for all major finals a must the list could go on , but if you cover these i'm sure you wont go wrong, plus a small donation of profits to a worth
  6. aye what aboot sat afternoons or mornings ???? just a thought
  7. probably the growth plate, not worth the vet, theres nothing he or she can do, complete rest mainly confined for a few weeks should sort it ,
  8. lol never been called that before , i'm hurt , i've got feelings you know lol I bet you get called a lot worse , on a regular basis i do, but being thick as fk , has it's good points lol
  9. lol never been called that before , i'm hurt , i've got feelings you know lol
  10. good luck with the show ----give me a link to donate £20, through paypal or some other means cheers den
  11. take things slowly , its still growing , ruin a pup very easily chasing a lure too quick
  12. thanks you sir , yes your dogs never let you down, always in good nick , glad you enjoyed it , but keep off the vino , ffs ye gat a hangover , lol
  13. 12.00pm sharp for championship------------ you not there on time you'll miss your chance
  14. weather----- dry sunny spells with showers ffs noooooooooooooooo
  15. ross i got someone , but you can next year if youd like too
  16. bad news my judge cant make it , the a1 under 3 feet of water , so i'm looking for another judge?????? any volunteers lol
  17. anyone think they may have qualified and have'nt recieved there letter , get in touch , with the show details for me to check ----den
  19. now now my friend nae need tae swear He's even got the laddie doing it den..... aye ross a know, he's probably got the laddie doing illegal poaching too :thumbs: first class parenting though lol
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