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About stevoman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 29/09/1981

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  1. i have seen them on a pheasant before. dont worry they fall off after the bird is dead. just keep the dog and fowl clear of it etc.
  2. Got to agree with you here. there is such a thing as over training springers and i believe that the more you work with them the more drive you take out of them. Don't get me wrong though, you need a dog out rough shooting that your not roaring and chasing after all day and you cant enjoy yourself. Im guilty of doing a little bit too much with a springer myself and i ended up having to give her away. I now believe you should let them hunt on and get a taste for it before you start to train them. and for rough shooting the return whistle, the stop whistle, the retrieve and not being gun shy
  3. Sorry lads bit disagree with you to a point. yes of course a dog will follow secnt and there are plenty of springers out there that will tip along the side of a heavy ditch until it picks up an a pheasent, partridge or rabbit trail and then hit cover in pursuit of it. But what about anything else that is laying up within the hedgerow that the dog may have missed, when i am out hunting i send either of my springers into cover and they will hunt it the whole way down. the amount of woodcock i have seen other spaniels pass because they were not hunting their cover properly is unreal. dont forge
  4. theres this stuff i was introduced to. I was recommended off one of the best dog injury vets in the whole of ireland. Its called DMSO Gel. Its costs around €6 a jar. Its actually for race horses but any dog man worth his salt should have a tub of it in his vet press. It excellent for sore joints, arthiritus and general muscle pain also. its a bit of a wonder cure. Rub a small amount (a blob about the size of the top of your index finger) on the sore joints. Its reveive the pain something great for the dog.
  5. Run the dog on his own with no distrations and bring the springer where there are lots of rabbits and plenty of cover. nothing gets aspringers blood up like rabbits and i know that trialing lads all keep rabbit pens with cver in them to get the springers used to hitting cover after plenty of scent. i myself train my springers on rabbits near cover and i use mine fro rough shooting, plus i train springers during the summer as a hobby. do this for a few weeks and you should see a very notable diference in your dog. But try keep him tight at the same time. Nothing as bad as a unruly springer.
  6. heres a picture of my two springers.
  7. Oh lord. i have the samsung galaxy s 2. The best on the market..... or so the nerds say. Its just app forum browsers are so mu easiet to use than normal internet on a small screen.
  8. shameful old timers......... Now is there anyone who can get in touch with an admin and bring this to their attention so i can post on this damn website from the comfort of my bed without straining the eyes out of my head!!!!! the laying in bed and straining jokes may now proceed...............
  9. Iv been doin a bit of looking around. if the admins register this site with tapatalk or forum runner then anyone with an android phone can use them forum friendly apps to browse this website. if any of the admins read this will sort out the issue.
  10. just checked that out mooch. i think that app is just for the iphone and doesnt support android ( i have the samsung). checked out the only two forum browsers on the android app market and donloaded both, but only problem is these forum have to be recognised by these app which it isnt.
  11. ps - aplolagies for the terrible spelling in the title!!!!
  12. I have seen on a few other forums that they have got an app for their website to make posting and viewing far more easier from iphones and android phones etc. At the moment i only really post from work my computer from work but it would be nice to be able to tip and and out of the site to post while im not in front of a laptop or computer. At the monent its really hard to browse this internet site from a hpone etc but i think an app would be a great idea. any thoughts?
  13. Good for you! Id love to do a days beating with my springers. I love rough shooting my way through heavy cover with them and to do it as part of a team would be a delight. One of these days im going to organise myself to go over and do a days beating and experience that english tradition all for myself.
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