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Everything posted by Sox74

  1. Good luck with your new venture tyla. That's a nice size of property. Is it all in one block, or spread out. I would suggest checking, repairing or replacing and stock proof fencing first. Then, this is a good time of year to start clearing scrub. If you could drop a couple of pigs in a place where you want to keep them in the future, they won't be long cleaning it up. Try and clean up the orchard and prune back and fruit trees and bushes. As for making a bit of money, local honey sound a good way to go, plus organic, free range pork, and veg from the polly tunnels,
  2. Pub staff pour McGregor's whiskey down toilet as bar slams 'cowardly' behaviour https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/566od Sent via @updayIE
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