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Everything posted by Shefflad69

  1. Had first day on new permission ferreted a area they wanted doing and drew a blank but never mind still had a good laugh
  2. Will have to sort out meeting up
  3. Just had a email today got ferreting and lamping permission for shobnall leisure complex want all rabbits gone so happy days ?
  4. Hi all does anybody know if the sabre th stock will fit a express rifle
  5. Merry Christmas everyone hope u all have a good one drink be merry and good hunting and stay safe ?
  6. I'll wake up at half four take dog out ring my daughter up when I get back crack a tinny open and sit and watch world go by
  7. Posted today mate should be with u after mail strike ?
  8. Is it spaniel Cross terrier
  9. Hope u get Ur gear back and catch the foookers sledgehammer in middle of back for the scum ?
  10. I have a address for all post and address on driving licence same and registered at doctors on separate files for boaters
  11. Here goes I live on a canal boat so technically classed as no fixed abode and boat constantly moving would I be allowed to apply for a licence
  12. Hahaha the artist is a canal trader same as us
  13. Just had a painting of my pup done by a good artist and good price to
  14. Sorry to hear about Ur dog mate
  15. Still a good day out but u need a ferret proof sandwich box ?
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