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    Born Hunter

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    Most forms of rabbiting, sea fishing, keeping reptiles, and motorbikes pretty much covers it!
  1. I was interested in the Muslim view of dogs after reading bits and bobs, so watched on YouTube what an imam had to say, and basically his interpretation was the dog had to have a purpose or job, to be kept, just being a pet would be unacceptable. Whether or not a bichon frise being kept in the house as a guard dog would work around that I don't know!
  2. Yeah the other 25% managed to make it home! (I jest, i have a 90 before anyone kicks off)
  3. It cost £27 in total , £19 for consultation, and £8 for the jab (or thereabouts). Judging by some of the other threads, that's not too bad for 2 jills, but the receipt only has 1 ferret on it, so perhaps they made a mistake? My plan is to get a vasectomised hob done in time for next year, just make sure they don't castrate the fella! I'd much prefer this method due to cost, and not jabbing the jills with chemicals. not enough forward planning on my part this year to have one ready to go. And thanks for the other replies guys, put my mind at ease!
  4. had both my jills jabbed last week after arguing with the vet that they can be jabbed whilst in season for the last 2 months! Anyway they agreed to do it, but i'm worried that it hasn't worked, both gills are still swollen a week on, is this normal? I know what some of you are thinking, go to a new vet, well guess what, i've just moved to this one on recommendation after a number of problems with the last not treating my dogs appropriately! The money you pay you'd think you'd get a competent, helpful service!
  5. Putting my head above the parapet here, but I see badgers in greater numbers than rabbits in many places when I go out, and the A roads in my area are littered with badger carcasses. I may be over simplifying things, but I always thought that if a population of any species just grew, and grew, uncontrolled, nature would always kick in and animals would starve due to limited resources, or disease would spread like wildfire through a dense population, neither of which is very nice, which is why we cull species such as deer. The tb issue aside I really don't see why any species is so heavily pr


    ok moxy your right! did put carmarthen in the original post but edited it out tonight, silly me , any way should be going to SS, thanks for the interest fellas!


    never one about when you need one! Can you guys not see my location at the side?


    Too bloody far moxy! replied SS!


    Now edited for free! Gonna dump it if no one wants it, I'm not delivering so don't ask, and check how far I am from you before you say you want it, cheers!
  10. TIMMAY


    gone gone gone!
  11. Don't know what it is pal, but the one permission i have which has loads of rabbits coming off railway embankments is rife with it. every rabbit i've had off there the last few years has liver like this, and there's sod all meat on them aswell. I'm just hoping whatever it is goes, as the population gets thinned out a bit!
  12. Basically just jacked my job in with one of the big boys, and was wondering if there were any guys on here willing to give me a bit of advice on setting up, obviously understand if your local to me your not interested!
  13. Mate of mine's had a pup from this litter and she's a cracker! A credit to you, and the dam and sire. If I had room I'd be getting one myself.
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