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Everything posted by Jobi

  1. Jobi


    To all you geriatrics, get on that jungle juice and feel 21 again!!
  2. Whenever I've arm wrestled my arms been f****d for days afterwards, a pain deep in my bones of my upper arm. Obviously this was before I started watching a bit and was just side pressure from my part.
  3. When we were teens we pranked someone with a celebrity sound board, just rang a random number in our area and had a conversation with the poor fella all from Arnold Schwarzenegger movie quotes. Everytime he hung up we rang him back with another celebrity, from Joe Pesci, Sylvester Stallone and De Niro. By the end of it he tried telling us he was a blind old man and the police were on their way, after that he answered pretending to be a woman. It's safe to say we f****d his head up. ????
  4. Jobi


    We all had Glory Days in our own head. ?
  5. Jobi


    Are you a beef carrying champion or something?
  6. Jobi


    I wouldn't dare go for a 1 rep max, don't want my back to snap in half. ?
  7. I agree, hiding under the table looks pathetic. If you are hidden under the table and your arm gets stretched out that should class as a pin imo.
  8. Yes what I'm saying is you don't win the match with the king's move, it's a pure defensive move that exhausts your opponent enough that once tired you get an easy pin. I just think it spoils the spectacle and think it will be outlawed at some point.
  9. The move is fully defensive and nobody will win a match with it, all it does his draws every last bit of energy out of your opponent where you get in to a position that is very hard to beat. John Brzenk hates it and has called for it to be banned, it does nothing for the sport IMO. Just imagine when Larratt and Todd have another pull, both will be diving under the table as quick as possible. If you watch Todd's matches whilst using the move he is constantly fouling, for starters he has his forearm on the pad when it should be elbow only. To me if your arm is straightened out then
  10. He's unbeaten with his left and beat the men who beat the men, he's currently out of the sport and really shouldn't be in the rankings as it looks like he may never be back. I've seen that Levan and Denis would have destroyed him, Levan just got beat in a practice match I believe. Look at all opinions of him, Larratt and Todd both state Denis is by far the most powerful man they have pulled.
  11. Jobi


    Try having sex in a hammock, stood up.
  12. No it's not illegal but it is pathetic, basically you are locking your arm out which makes it virtually impossible to pin. Lavatt recently did it in his last match but it's a case of if you can't beat em join em. Todd beat Lavatt using the same method, hide under the table until your opponent is exhausted and then go for the pin.
  13. Yeah Denis is not in the rankings because he's out of the sport and could be for a long time if not for ever. Like I said he's beat the world's best with ease and was unbeaten on his left arm. No never competed, just find it interesting and Lavatt is a real character. I'm not too bad at it like but that's just strength, no expert technique whatsoever but you learn some watching the vids and listening to tips.
  14. Jobi


    Not just the convenience, it's also much easier on the bank balance than eating a high protein diet.
  15. Jobi


    No I was talking about how people think it's cutting out carbs is the key to losing weight. It's just that carbs make up a massive amount of people's diets. You say replacing carbs with protein? That wouldn't really work as if you replaced the carbs for the protein to the exact amount you wouldn't lose any weight. 1 gram of carbs is the same amount of calories as a gram of protein. Yes I agree though what you're saying, you get a hell of a lot more full trying to fit lots of protein in and wholesome foods.
  16. Jobi


    Yep it's like I said earlier, the average persons diet consists of a massive amount of carbs. If they cut the carbs out there's a massive void calorie wise hence the weight loss.
  17. Jobi


    Tbh gear or not he is in amazing condition all year round and is strong as f**k.
  18. Jobi


    So you're trying to tell me that Mike O'Hearn is not natural?
  19. Well you see that new Kia emits a pleasant sound that alarms pedestrians of it's presence.
  20. Tell ya what that quietness was proper relaxing in that Auris.
  21. Yes and they haven't pulled him, I think all 3 of them have been beat on their best arm, Denis hasn't. You do know Denis beat Todd just before he got ill, kings move included? I personally think that move is bullshit and should be banned. Thats the thing, Devon can overcome every puller just about out there with technique, against Denis he didn't have the slightest of hope.
  22. Of course he has, I think he's unbeaten with the left hand. He has beaten all of the worlds best, Larratt, Chaffee, Pushkar, Todd, all of them. Larratt has stated Denis is by far the most powerful man he's ever pulled with, nobody has destroyed Larratt so easily. Brzenk is the greatest of all time without a doubt, his longevity has been unreal.
  23. Jobi

    Golden Eagles.

    Would be great having one for a bit of foxing, hunting with birds to most doesn't seem as cruel as hunting with dogs. ?
  24. Jobi


    Well yeah and there's that, can't say it's good food but today at work for me was two double cheeseburgers, cheesy bites and a strawberry milkshake.
  25. Jobi


    The hard part about fasting for me would be break times at work, seeing everyone eating their grub or going off to the shop would be too tempting.
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