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Everything posted by Jobi

  1. Yeah it's a piece of piss but that is the challenge nevertheless.
  2. What steroids are you taking, blood pressure is going up I can tell. ?
  3. Good one Archie, you'll go places you lad, hopefully off the edge of a cliff. ?
  4. To those concerned I didn't take in what he said, I hope I haven't caused you any harm in my mistake. ?
  5. Yeah that's a proper wind up that is. ??
  6. Are you his interpreter?
  7. And.... The 3 peaks as in the 3 peaks is to do Pike, Snowden and Nevis in 24hr. Call THL police next time.
  8. I asked him not you....
  9. So you've done the proper 3 peak challenge, all in 24 hours? Where you travel from?
  10. Just what I was fearing, it looks as though you still have to apply again which I'm reluctant to do after the CCJ.
  11. That's it, unless you know the breeder chances are they are pulling your leg.
  12. It's coming up 2 years since we moved in to our house and we both agree this place is not for us. We want to move back to the area from where I'm from in a new housing estate near to the street I grew up on. At the minute we are in a 5 year fixed rate but don't want to wait that long. I've seen that you can port your mortgage on to another house without making a new application as long as the new property is the same price or less. There's a slight problem though, last year I got a CCJ over a parking fine. I've got away without paying them before so thought I'd get away with this one, I
  13. You're a cutey you Stan, like it? ?
  14. Sorry who are you again? What's your verdict on steroids then pal, you obviously have had experience with them the way you've left me hanging here with your one liner.
  15. You sure he was born like that? Brzenk was unreal, I think back then Denis was a relative novice but he was still a powerful bloke. Just look how much Denis had progressed in less than 2 years.
  16. I'll buy it off you now, £500 cash.
  17. Yeah that's the Ukrainian Oleg Zhokh, he wasn't actually born like that as far as I know. I think his arm is that size because of his strength training regime.
  18. That's the thing I don't think I know anyone well enough to be honest about it, lads I know try and deny it and my cousin who has dabbled over the years is a numpty who gets his information from his suppliers.
  19. Very true but you get out of it what you can, real life experience does actually matter and not always what you read in a text book.
  20. It's not exactly a rarity this day and age is it, and I don't know what to make of it all if I'm being honest. And random strangers off the Internet are as good as any to ask. That's what the general section is for surely?
  21. Not defensive just puzzled to how you think it's a strange topic to bring up. I have done a little research over the years as I feel it's imperative to do so before making decisions on wether to take them.
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