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About Jobi

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. The same as shitting in a bucket?
  2. Shame they didn't chop your head off.
  3. The lack of noise at that zoom left me with doubts, I've got the P20 Pro but the telephoto lens is buggered after I dropped the twat.
  4. The lack of noise at that zoom left me with doubts, I've got the P20 Pro but the telephoto lens is buggered after I drop the twat.
  5. Love a nice Doom Bar pie when lodging away in a Premier Inn...... ?
  6. I had a wank last night over a blind woman, she never saw me coming......
  7. RJJ is a strange one, he looked to have a decent set of whiskers throughout his career until he made the mistake of going back down to LHW to face Tarver, after their second bout his chin turned to glass. Once he lost his athleticism and speed his fundamental flaws really reared their ugly head. In his prime though he was something special, probably the biggest freak of all time.
  8. One of the most talented fighters of all time, a shame he wasn't as dedicated as he could have been.
  9. No, he really gave away some money for free.
  10. Talking about Tua, plus McCall's was just as good as Marvin's. Never been off his feet or hurt in his career.
  11. McCall's was even better. ? He's fighting shortly in his mid 50's.
  12. Tbf it only have him a few extra seconds, he was also given smelling salts to help him come around.
  13. It has changed then, the blue whale was a model when I went and not the skeleton.
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