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About ColinF

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/05/1971

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    South Northamptonshire

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  1. As above, you need to decide what you want the dog to do before you decide on the breed. A couple of tips, don't let the kids play tug of war with the dog, it could lead to problems with retrieving/delivering game or a hard mouth. Don't let the kids kick or throw a ball for the dog to run after, or you won't be able to stop it running in when you're out shooting. I've got two kids and two labs.
  2. We used Flubenvet in the pellets this year, which worked well. I have used Panacur sheep wormer in the past, does the Fenzol settle out of the water like the Panacur does?
  3. I release a similar number on a pond, no pen or electric fence. Just make sure that the grass area is either short, or mow it before your ducks arrive, so nothing can hide in it and ambush the ducklings
  4. They are the biggest hatchery in the country I believe, and hatch over 5 million eggs a year. There are some interesting videos of the hatchery on youtube ( not the ones filmed by anti's)
  5. The Gordon cases are only used in the 12g loads, not the 20g's
  6. Im only quoting what my vet told me. You can buy Panacur for sheep and cattle with or without the added selenium and cobalt, the version with it in is called "Panacur SC"
  7. http://www.stdavids-poultryteam.co.uk/game-bird-services/medication-dose-rates.aspx
  8. I think Northants are one of the more reasonable forces. I don't know of anyone who has had any significant problems with them. I had a small issue at my last renewal over hold/buy quantities and a new calibre, but this was sorted out with a meeting with the lady in charge. Where abouts are you moving to?
  9. The blue plastic feeders are fine if you haven't got squirrels, they can chew holes in them in no time. We are now replacing the plastic drums with steel ones, not that much more expensive but they are squirrel proof.
  10. All ours are 18" from the bottom of the drum to the floor, and seem to work ok.
  11. Have a look on Guntrader, there are a few of each on there.
  12. Have a look at the Kumho KL71. Cheaper than BFG's and great off road.
  13. Anyone know where you can get the metal clips from that hold the trap in place when it's set? Thanks Colin
  14. About 80yds for the 22 and 150yds-200yds with the HMR. Both will kill at longer ranges but accuracy drops off quite quickly. I would stick to ranges at which you are confident you can shoot reasonable groups.
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